Your accommodation options

Your Accommodation Options


“We know deciding where you are going to live is a very important decision for you and there is lots to think about. This guide includes a lot of information about different options and talks about the things you have to do. We suggest you take your time to go through it and ask your PA any questions when you’re not sure; we are here to help.”  Katie Connolly – 16-25 Team Manager


What support is available?

There is a lot of support available for you from your PA the main things they can help you with when looking at where you will live


  • Helping you with choosing somewhere suitable and safe
  • Preparing you for Independent living with life skills


  • Guidance for budgeting, rent and bills
  • Support and guidance about benefits and universal credit
  • You are eligible for a setting up home allowance

General support

  • Identifying and meeting your needs
  • Pathway plan and development support
  • Crisis support such as losing your tenancy
  • Additional support for disable care leavers


Getting ready for independence:

This is a big step. Your social worker or PA will work out with you if you are ready. In preparation some questions you could ask yourself:

  • Would I feel safe to live on my own?
  • Can I cook, clean and wash my clothes?
  • Would I feel lonely or worried?
  • Can I manage my money and budget?

If you answer ‘No’ to any of these, independent living may not be for you just yet. Ask your Social Worker or PA to help you learn how to be prepared.

Support to help you get ready for independent living 

In this section we’ll be introducing some videos from staff and other care leavers who will be able to give you more information.


Financial Support for living independently:

Your PA will help you apply for Universal Credit before your 18th birthday. You might get other support:

  • Setting up home allowance: at least £2,000.
  • 16 – 19 in education: £1,200 per year from your college.
  • Higher education: £2,000 given in parts through your course and financial help or a place to stay in the holidays
  • Assistance with costs for education, employment and training


The housing process:

Milton Keynes Council seeks to ensure all children in care have a place to live when they leave care. When this is not confirmed 56 days before your 18th birthday a duty to refer application will be made. Care leavers will be awarded the highest priority and will be placed into Band A. The stages in the housing process are shown below:


Image of steps in the housing process


Your options for where to live:

Before you look at these consider the questions below. The answers to these questions will influence what option is right for you

  • You will probably be placed in a place with other young people; how do you feel living with other people?
  • Some independent placements offer support so ask about the support you might need.
  • Is the location somewhere I will be able to travel to school/ college/ work or to see my family and friends?

Staying Put arrangements

  • Staying with your foster carer after you turn 18.
  • Contribute to the costs of your room.
  • Your Social Worker or Personal Advisor can tell you more, or you can read the Staying Put Policy.

Supported accommodation

  • 5 or more young people in a house, or up to 100 in a hostel
  • Own room but shared kitchen and bathroom
  • Staff on site to support you.

Supported lodging

  • Live in someone’s home
  • Own room but shared kitchen and bathroom
  • Some support from landlord, practical advice and support on being more independent

Semi Independent Accommodation

  • Provided through hostels
  • Own room but shared kitchen and bathroom
  • Key worker at the hostel will help you achieve your independence goals.

Independent flat with floating support

  • Ready for independent living? Get support to access a longer term housing solution
  • Pathway plan will explain your options
  • Visit new home before moving in

Student accommodation

  • If you decide to go to university, you may be able to get help with accommodation costs.


Homeless or at risk of homelessness

If you find yourself homeless or at risk of becoming homeless you should contact your PA right away. Your PA and a housing officer will assess homelessness and work out the best support and housing options for you. It is the responsibility of Housing to source, fund and provide temporary accommodation whilst the assessment is undertaken.

For more support talk to the Youth homelessness prevention service. You can get more details from the leaflet below. 

Youth homelessness prevention leaflet 

Youth homelessness prevention leaflet (plain text)