Infrastructure funding statement


The Infrastructure funding statement (IFS) will be published annually, and provide a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to S106s and MK Tariff within the borough. It will include a statement of infrastructure projects that MK Council intends to, or may be, wholly or partly funded by Planning Obligations.

The documents below contain the full IFS for the 2021/22 financial year.

MKCC IFS report 2021/22

Annex A - 2021/22 S106 negotiated

Annex B - 2021/22 S106 receipts

Annex C - 2021/22 Unspent as of 31 March 2022

Annex D - 2021/22 S106 payments and drawdowns

Annex E - 2021/22 Long term maintenance retained

Annex F - 2021/22 MK Tariff receipts

Annex G - 2021/22 MK Tariff Expenditure


Documents relating to the previous 2020/21 IFS can be viewed below:

IFS Document

Appendix A - S106 negotiated

Appendix B - S106 and MK Tariff receipts 

Appendix C - Unspent as of 31 March 2021

Appendix D - S106 and MK Tariff payments and drawdowns

Appendix E - Long term maintenance

Infrastructure Delivery Service

Infrastructure Delivery Service contact information

Infrastructure Co-ordination & Delivery Team, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ