Adult Social Care Assessment (Care and Support Needs)

We may be able to help you arrange the support you need, quickly and easily when you contact us, or we may arrange for you to have a more detailed assessment. This is free of charge and can be carried out regardless of your financial situation.

Your Assessment

The assessment will aim to find out about you, your situation and what you want to happen, the worker may ask you about: 

  • Your physical health, disabilities and well-being
  • Your mobility
  • Your relationships with family and friends
  • Your involvement in the community
  • Your involvement with work, education or learning
  • Your safety
  • The support you need to manage your personal care and day to day activities
  • The support that you currently receive from family, friends, other people or services
  • The support that you think you need and what you want to be able to achieve

After the Assessment

When your assessment is complete we then need to decide if you are eligible for any support funded by Adult Social Care, we must use the criteria set by the Care Act 2014  to decide this. You may be eligible if you are unable to do certain things and this effects your wellbeing, this is described in more detail  in Adult Social Care Eligibility. You will receive a written copy of your completed assessment and the eligibility decision.

  • If you do not have eligible needs we will give you information and advice about what other services or organisations can help you 
  • If you have eligible needs, we will contact you to discuss what help might be available and what happens next.
Adult Services - Adult Social Care ACCESS Team

Adult Social Care ACCESS Team contact information

Monday to Friday 8:45am - 5:00pm, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

Adult Services - Adult Social Care Out of Hours and Bank Holidays

Adult Social Care Out of Hours and Bank Holidays contact information

  • 01908 725005

5:00pm - 08:45am Monday-Friday Weekends & Bank holidays 24 hrs,