Apply for a disabled parking space

The residential disabled parking bay may only be applied for by or on behalf of a current Blue Badge holder.

Please note that a residential disabled bay is not legally enforceable and other Blue Badge holders may use it to park their vehicles.

Once the markings are in place at the designated site, the parking bay may be used legitimately by other residents in your neighbourhood or visitors that are Blue Badge holders. It is not reserved for a specific Blue Badge holder.

The applicant must own and drive a vehicle registered at the address or there must be a permanent resident at the address who owns a vehicle registered at the address and drives it on the applicants’ behalf.

A copy of Vehicle Registration Document (V5C) or Mobility Vehicle Agreement document is required as proof.

The Blue Badge must be displayed in the vehicle at all times whilst parked in a disabled persons parking bay and the Council must be immediately notified if the bay is no longer required.

The fee is £238 for the application and installation of the markings. Please note that this fee is non-refundable if you move or no longer need the space. Please check the criteria fully before applying as not all locations are suitable for a residential disabled bay to be installed.

You can download an application form here.

If you need any assistance completing this form please contact the Highways Liaison Team on 01908 252353 or email

Highways Liaison Team contact information