Serpentine Court Steering Group (SCSG)

Serpentine Court Steering Group (SCSG) is made up of residents and businesses from Serpentine Court. The group plays a central role in the regeneration of the area. They scrutinise and advise on Milton Keynes City Council's engagement and with residents, making sure residents are a key partner in the process.

Members of Serpentine Court Steering Group

Danielle, the Chair

I have lived in Serpentine Court for 11 years and as a mum of 3, being involved is very important to me. I can be a voice for residents and help mould the regeneration for our future. My aim as Chair is to see what Serpentine Court as a community can achieve through this process and to gain the best possible outcomes from regeneration. I want to help and support our community for the better and for every resident to fully understand the process. The best way to predict our future is to create it.

Mercy Acting Chair

Cassy Deputy Chair

Sebastian Deputy Chair



The SCSG, in conjunction with Milton Keynes City Council, publish newsletters to provide updates on regeneration and other key activities on in Serpentine Court. The latest edition is Serpentine Court Newsletter - quarterly update August 2021

The SCSG meet on a monthly basis, to discuss the regeneration of Serpentine Court. The meetings, minutes and agendas are published on the Milton Keynes City Council website.

Support to the group
Tpas is the independent resident advisors working in Serpentine Court. They were chosen by a public vote by residents in 2017. Tpas support and advise residents in Serpentine Court throughout the regeneration process.

Housing - Regeneration

Regeneration Service - contact information

Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ