Regeneration in Fullers Slade

In 2018 we met residents and stakeholders in Fullers Slade. We hosted a programme of events to get residents involved in developing the regeneration plan options.

Ballot results

In a ballot held across 29 and 30 November, the majority of residents voted for Option Three - new homes, refurbishment and improvements to the estate. The breakdown of the result can be found below:

  • Option One - no redevelopment: 110 votes
  • Option Two - refurbishment and new homes: 61 votes
  • Option Three - new homes, refurbishment and estate-wide improvements: 209 votes

Turnout: 65%

Housing Needs Assessment Survey

Following the Housing Needs Assessment survey, a design drop-in session also took place at Galley Hill Primary School. At the event, the following design boards, produced by SEH (the architects) and Milton Keynes Council, were shared with the residents.

Repairs and Maintenance Programme

The Council is committed to investing in all regeneration areas but also treat all council homes across the city in the same manner. This is why we continue to carry out repairs and updates as required.


Stephen Bryant is the Community Engagement Officer for Fullers Slade.

You can contact Stephen on 07557318900 or email if you would like to get more involved in your community and have any ideas.
