Headway Milton Keynes
Headway aim to provide information and support for people with brain injuries, their relatives, carers and concerned professional people. It aims to assist people with brain injuries to return to community living, including access to appropriate accommodation, social outlets and productive activity. Services include:
- Carer Support Groups
- Counselling
- Day Centre
- Education/College Links
- Family and Carer Support
- Independent Living Skills
- Information
- Support Return to Work
- Support with Self-Directed Care
- Support with Volunteering Opportunities
- Therapy Services
- Training for Professionals
- Support with Volunteering
- Art/Crafts
- Exercise and Fitness
- Holidays/Outings
- Service User Groups
Other Activities
IT skills, language/numeracy skills, help with planning skills, budgeting, fatigue management (all available on regular basis or as required).