Homecare / Domiciliary Care Service - find a local CQC registered service
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is responsible for registering Domiciliary Care Services (Homecare) which provide Personal Care.
Personal care is a regulated activity which involves supporting people in their homes (or where they're living at the time) with things like washing, bathing or cleaning themselves, getting dressed or going to the toilet.
- You can find a list of all the local registered Homecare/ domiciliary services via 'Find Services Offering Care in the Home'
- For each care service, you can find:
- the latest inspection report and ratings
- older reports to download
- information about who is responsible for running the service
- contact details for the service.
- You can use CQC inspection reports and ratings information pages to help you understand the quality of care a service provides.
PLEASE NOTE: many services also offer unregulated services such as shopping, housework, companionship and help with bills/admin