Time for Twos - early education for two year olds


Here's a short film about two year old early education funding in Milton Keynes.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q.  I have a two year old daughter can I get money to help with her nursery funding?
A.  You may be eligible for two year old early education if you meet certain criteria (please see detail below)

Q.  Will the early education funding have an expiry date, if my child is eligible for it?
A.  No, there is no expiry date.  If your child is eligible, then they will be able to access the funding from the term after turning two years of age. This automatically transfers into universal 15 hours of free early education, the term after they turn three, which then continues until your child attends a school Reception class.   

Q.  Can I get any extra help with childcare costs?
A.  You could be eligible for tax credits, tax free childcare or universal credits (please see detail below)

Am I eligible?

Eligibility is based on parents who receive one of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credits with a combined family income of less than £16,190 before tax
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit - with a combined family income of less than £15,400 a year after tax
  • National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS)
  • Guaranteed element of Pension Tax Credit

A different application process is required for the following, and these cannot be completed using the two year old portal:

  • Children of Zambrano Carers
  • Children of families with no recourse to public funds with a right to remain in the UK on grounds of private/family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • Children of a subset of failed asylum seekers (supported under section 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 – ‘the 1999 Act’)

If eligible, please contact your local children’s centre.

OR a two year old who

  • Has a current Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • Receives Disability Living Allowance
  • Is looked after by the local authority
  • Has left care through special guardianship or an adoption or residence order
  • Has both parents/carers with no recourse to public funds or a single parent/carer with no recourse to public funds
  • If applying under these five criteria, you will be required to email us evidence of eligibility with the parent’s name, address, child’s name and date of birth

Find local early years providers

A list of local Early Years providers can be found on the Ofsted website.

The Local Offer provides information, support and signposting for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years, their parents and carers, practitioners and professionals.

How do I apply?

  • Register on the Parent Portal to find out if your child is eligible.
  • Following registration, log in to the Parent Portal and complete an application (this can also be accessed via a smartphone or hand held device).
  • Once you apply online, you will be notified of your eligibility immediately.  If you have additional evidence demonstrating you are eligible, please email email us evidence of eligibility with the parent’s name, address, child’s name and date of birth.
  • If you qualify, please show the confirmation to your chosen childcare provider on your smartphone or print a copy.

When can my child start?

Funding is available from the term after your child’s birthday, see the table below.

1 January to 31 March   start summer term on or after 1 April     
1 April to 31 August  start autumn term on or after 1 September     
1 September to 31 December      start spring term on or after the 1 January

Further information on childcare costs

  • contact your nearest Children and Family Centre and mention ‘Time for Twos’
  • visit HM Government Childcare Choices website
  • Speak to your health visitor or someone supporting your family
  • call the Sufficiency, Access and Attendance Team on 01908 253338 or 01908 254522

HM Government offer additional help with childcare costs for parents 

Tax free childcare

  • Tax-Free Childcare is a UK wide offer. Eligible working parents with children 11 or under can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children 16 or under)

Tax credits for childcare

Universal credit for childcare

  • for working families (with children under 16) claiming Universal Credit, in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
  • 85% of eligible childcare costs, up to a cap