Virtual School guidance and documents

Pupil Premium

Milton Keynes Pupil Premium Arrangements 2024-2025

Milton Keynes Pupil Premium Arrangements 2024-2025 - (text only)


Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children - Report to Governing Boards 24/25 – To enable monitoring of the effectiveness of looked after children and previously looked after children in their school, governing boards should receive an annual report from the Designated Teacher. This report will support governing boards when making overall judgements about the designated role in the context of wider planning. Milton Keynes Council Virtual School also monitor and plan support for schools, we therefore request the report is made available to the Virtual School Head. The report provides a broader picture of looked after children and previously looked after children in schools as it requests information on all looked after children, not just those in the care of Milton Keynes LA. This is a suggested pro forma however schools can provide this information in any way they feel appropriate.


Virtual School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25

Virtual School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25 (plain text)

Useful links

Useful links for children and young people

  • BBC Bitesize – A website covering all areas of the curriculum ranging from primary school to GCSE exams
  • Oak National Academy – An online free classroom with almost 10,000 free video lessons, resources and activities covering many subjects from Reception to Year 11
  • Oxford Owl – Aimed at children aged 3-11, this website supports reading and maths as well as featuring hundreds of free eBooks
  • National Geographic Kids – Aimed at children aged 6-13, this website has stunning images, interactive games and colouring books based on wildlife and the world around them
  • TedEd – Aimed at older children, this website features free videos across a range of subjects including Business, Health, Science, Psychology and more.