The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 includes ways of giving victims and communities a say in the way persistent anti-social behaviour (ASB) is dealt with using the Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review (formerly known as the Community Trigger).
If you feel that the repeat ASB that you are experiencing is not being dealt with adequately, you can request a review of your case under the act using this process.
ASB Case Review - when to use it
An ASB Case Review gives victims the ability to request a review of their case, where the locally defined threshold is met. You can request an activation of an ASB Case Review on behalf of someone else if you have their written consent.
To activate this, you should:-
- have reported three incidents of anti-social behaviour in the last six months (within a month of them happening) to the council, police or your social housing provider
- have engaged with any resolution interventions that have been offered, for example, mediation
The ASB Case Review is NOT to be used to:-
- complain about how an organisation has dealt with your case. For complaints, you should contact the relevant organisation and ask for details of their complaint procedures
- report new cases of anti-social behaviour
What happens next
- you will be contacted within two working days to acknowledge safe receipt of your completed form
- a multi-agency triage meeting will be held to determine whether the locally set threshold has been met. You will be advised by email, if your request meets the criteria
- the organisations involved will look at your ASB Case Review request and decide if further action can be taken to stop the ASB you have experienced
- a formal ASB Case Review meeting will be arranged and you will be notified when this will take place
if your request does not meet the criteria, you will be advised by email. You have the right to appeal, and you will be advised how to do this in the email.
If you feel that issues that you have raised meet the criteria above and have not been resolved, please scan the QR code below or complete the online ASB Case Review Request Form

Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance completing the form.
ASB Case Reviews in Milton Keynes and our procedures.
Reporting anti-social behaviour
You can report ASB and hate incidents by reporting them directly to:
- ASB team T: 01908 252937 or by email
- Thames Valley Police T: 101 or report online
- your housing provider