We understand that this is a very worrying time for young people and their parents and the following resources have been pulled together to help you find relevant and useful information related to the Coronavirus.
This section provides guidance and simple, helpful resources for you to use when talking to your child about the Coronavirus
Important information for parents who have received shielding notifications for their child
Please click on the link below that explains very recent changes in the clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) group and whether your child should be on the shielding list. There is also a frequently asked questions section regarding shielding in the family and school attendance.
Parent information - understanding the new guidance on shielding (DOCX, 19KB)
Talking to your child about Coronavirus
- BPS guidance - https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-policy/talking-children-about-coronavirus
- National Autistic Society – guidance and helpline for parents’, young people and staff: https://www.autism.org.uk/services/nas-schools/vanguard/news/2020/march/coronavirus-(covid-19)-advice.aspx
- Mencap - Easy Read guide to Coronavirus: https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-03/Information%20about%20Coronavirus%20ER%20SS2.pdf
- Place2Be – Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing: https://www.place2be.org.uk/about-us/news-and-blogs/2020/march/coronavirus-information-for-children/
- Young Minds - Talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing: https://youngminds.org.uk/blog/talking-to-your-child-about-coronavirus/
- Carers UK - Guidance for carers: https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/health/looking-after-your-health/coronavirus-covid-19
- Covibook – an interactive resource designed to support and reassure children aged 7 and under, designed to help children explain and draw the emotions that they might be experiencing during the pandemic: https://www.mindheart.co/descargables
- Public Health England have produced an easy read version of their Advice on the coronavirus for places of education. You can download it here.
- Down’s Syndrome Association – ‘Coronavirus. What is it? How to stay safe?’ https://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/download-package/coronavirus-what-is-it-how-to-stay-safe-easy-read/?highlight=coronavirus
- Inclusion International – ‘Easy-to-read information about Coronavirus in many languages’ Easy Read Online - https://www.easy-read-online.co.uk/media/53192/advice-on-the-coronavirus-v1.pdf
- Learning Disability Practice- https://rcni.com/learning-disability-practice/opinion/editorial/coronavirus-advice-available-you-and-your-client-158786 (18th March 20)
- Inclusion North- https://forumcentral.org.uk/coronavirus-easyread-guide/ (8th March 20)
- BBC- https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51711227 (18 March 20)
- Carol Gray has produced a social story about pandemics and the CoronavirusNational Autistic Society - Social Story for Relatives: https://carolgraysocialstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Pandemics-and-the-Coronavirus.pdf
Easy read posters you may find helpful:
Photosymbols – ‘Coronavirus: How to stay safe’ (11 March 2020)
Photosymbols – ‘Coronavirus and health issues’ (9 March 2020)
Photosymbols – ‘Coronavirus: What if you get ill?’ (8 March 2020)
All the above are available in the link below:
How we can help ourselves – visuals for hand washing and Catch it-Bin it–Kill it
Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust- Handwashing https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/resources/patient-information/infection/how-to-keep-your-hands-clean-an-easy-read-guide.pdf
NHS England-Catch it Bin it Poster:https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2017/09/catch-bin-kill.pdf
Information from the Children's Commissioner's Office
Children's Commissioner's Office Guide to Coronavirus for children (PDF, 1.1MB)
Talking to older young people
Coronavirus - advice for older young people from SALT (DOCX, 646KB)
Coronavirus - rules for older young people from SALT (DOCX, 396KB)
Accessing 111 for help and advice
Accessing 111 for help and advice if you think you have symptoms of Coronavirus
Public Health England-Easy read guide to NHS 111
NHS England- Accessing 111 https://www.england.nhs.uk/learning-disabilities/about/resources/help-for-people-with-a-learning-disability-autism-or-both-to-use-nhs-111/
Making your own visual resources
Making your own visual resources:
It may help to create a visual timetable for your child so they can have structure in their days at home.
See this template for an example: https://search3.openobjects.com/mediamanager/hackney/fsd/files/daily_planner_to_support_structure_at_home.pdf
Or visit Autism Train’s website. They have put together several useful resources about creating a routine and using a visual timetable http://www.autismtrain.co.uk/resources/
Managing Mental Health and Well-being
It is vital to look after your mental health and wellbeing during this time. Here are some resources you may find helpful:
Coronavirus - looking after your mental health (PDF, 364KB)
MK CAMHS have produced a lovely leaflet packed with tips and information for young people to manage their mental health. Click on the link below to take you to the leaflet
What to do to support your mental health during Coronavirus (PDF, 226KB) (Young Person's factsheet)
Service Six
Service Six helpline
Service Six has been granted some additional funding from Milton Keynes Community Foundation, to provide online support to children, young people and parents during this crisis period. Times are hard for everyone currently, and Service Six are a listening ear to support children and young people across Milton Keynes and guidance for parents on supporting their children with anxiety and worries using solution focussed early interventions, providing advice on techniques and signposting to resources. The support can be by telephone, WhatsApp or Zoom calls. The following link will take you to the referral form to complete.
Service Six referral form (PDF, 758KB)
How to look after your mental wellbeing during coronavirus (COVID-19)
As we have to stay at home it is important to take care of our mind as well as our body. It is common to feel worried, scared or helpless about the current situation. It is OK to feel this way, share your concerns with others you trust or you could try a charity helpline or webchat.
Here are some tips and advice on how we can keep on top of our mental wellbeing and cope during times of uncertainty. Share these with friends and family to look after yourself and those you care about.
Top Tips for your mental wellbeing:
1. Connect with others- Maintaining healthy relationships with people we trust is important. Stay connected via email, social media, FaceTime and telephone. Adjust your social media intake if it is making you anxious. If you haven’t got anyone to talk to you can call emotional support lines like SANEline & the Samaritans
2. Be active -Our physical health affects how we feel. It is important to eat healthily, drink enough water and exercise regularly. Build physical activity into your daily routine for example cleaning your home, dancing to music, seated exercise, online workouts.
3. Take notice & focus on the present - Engage with nature. Open the windows to get fresh air, watch the birds, make the most of any private outdoor space, tend to houseplants, listen to natural sounds apps. If you have a private garden spend time outside.
4. Stick to the facts & limit your news intake - Do not stay glued to the news. A constant stream of news can cause anyone to feel anxious or distressed. You could set yourself a specific time to read updates or limit to checking a couple of times a day – use trustworthy sources such as GOV.UK or NHS website.
5. Have a routine - Maintain a sense of routine and try to follow your ordinary routine as much as possible. Wake up and go to bed at healthy times, get enough sleep. Include time to relax.
6. Keep your mind active - Do something you enjoy. Find something of value in your day and do something for yourself (download a podcast, watch a box set, art and crafts, cooking, gardening, reading a book, DIY). Take a free online course.
7. Offer support and help others - Helping others makes you feel good. If you are able to try to think of things you can do to help those around you safely and in line with official guidance. You can volunteer to help on this page. Check in with friends, neighbours or colleagues who may be self-isolating or vulnerable.
8. Keep your children informed by explaining the facts but try to avoid scare stories and over-exposure to the news. Be as truthful as possible. See talking with your children about world news.
9. Take care of your immediate environment. - As you are spending a lot of time at home, you may find it helpful to keep things clean and tidy. If you live with other people, it could help to decide together how you’ll use different spaces for example spaces for work.
10. Working from home - Working from home can be challenging and isolating. Try to keep a structured day, with a routine for work and to keep both formal and social connections flowing with colleagues. Find tips for working at home here
Below is information on support and guidance that is available nationally
Helping children cope with stress, WHO https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/helping-children-cope-with-stress-print.pdf?sfvrsn=f3a063ff_2
Covid 19 guidance on supporting children and young peoples mental health and wellbeing (updated 30 March 2020) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-supporting-children-and-young-peoples-mental-health-and-wellbeing
Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme, proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and give you more energy during the day. You can learn more about who Sleepio is suitable for here.
BACP guidance around managing anxiety - https://www.bacp.co.uk/news/news-from-bacp/2020/28-february-coronavirus-anxiety-how-to-cope-if-you-re-feeling-anxious-about-the-outbreak/
Anna Freud links - Supporting schools & colleges: A guide to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during periods of disruption There are also three videos, one for school staff, one for parents and one for children and young people which may be useful.
5 Ways to Wellbeing are a great way to think about steps you can take to maintain and improve your health and wellbeing. More information is available here : https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/public-health/5-ways-to-wellbeing-mk.
Changes to how health services are being delivered during the pandemic
Milton Keynes Health Service changes during the Coronavirus Emergency
In line with current government guidelines, Health Services nationally have been directed to scale down their service, reduced their face to face contacts and look at ways to work differently to provide urgent services during the national coronavirus pandemic. This is to take account of the effects the pandemic will have on availability of staff due to the need to self-isolate or be deployed to work in areas where there are significant pressures ( eg Intensive Care Units, looking after patients within the community)
Health services and GPs in MK have therefore needed to adopt a different way of working to continue to provide support to children and young people and their families. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The information below summarises how individual services are working
Audiology Services
The Milton Keynes Audiology Services - All routine appointments have been suspended until further notice. However, we continue to provide a hearing aid repair service for adults and children. Please call us on 01908 995199 / 995156 for advice if you need help or have urgent concerns.
Complex Needs Nursing Team
The team are available to all children open to them who have complex medical needs and require nursing case management.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the team are offering telephone advice and support.
Essential home visits will be provided as needed.
The children with complex needs team can be contacted on 01908 724511 option two
Hours of opening – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm (excluding bank holidays)
Milton Keynes Children and Young People’s Occupational Therapy Service
In line with the current government guidelines, we have taken the decision to change the way our Thursday drop in clinics operate. They are currently not running as a drop-in. With immediate effect, we would like to advise you to telephone or email us in the first instance if you have concerns about your child’s daily living skills (i.e. dressing toileting, using cutlery etc). We will take some details from you or send you a form to complete and then an Occupational Therapist will contact you by telephone or email with some advice/support. If further intervention is needed, this will be discussed with you.
You can contact Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy Service on 01908 724600 (option 3) or email us: mk.paed.ot@nhs.net
Community Paediatrics Service
We are now offering telephone appointments in order that as many children as possible can have appointments without the need for them to come into a clinic. If you have been accepted into our service then as appointments become available, you will be contacted to arrange a suitable time.
You can contact Community Paediatrics on 01908 724800 or email us : cnw-tr.communitypaediatrics@nhs.net
Children’s Physiotherapy Service
We continue to accept urgent referrals to physiotherapy and these referrals will be added to our waiting list as usual.
Consultations will be done, wherever possible, over the telephone and advice and exercises can be provided. If your child is due to receive a follow up appointment with physiotherapy in the near future, this is likely to be a telephone consultation.
If you feel that any physiotherapy equipment that has been provided needs altering or if you need to discuss anything with your physiotherapist then please contact physiotherapy reception on 01908 995432 (for under 4 years of age) or 01908 995450 (for over 4 years of age)
Specialist CAMHs service
The majority of the service is now provided either over the phone or through video conferencing services such as Zoom. There will be a small number of face to face appointments carried out but these will be based on the most urgent need. Please contact your clinician as normal.
The team have strengthened the Duty worker process with senior staff being on call for any urgent issues and the Single Point of Access is operating as normal, with initial assessment taking place over the phone in most cases.
ThinkNinja (available on App store or Google play) may be useful to young people at this time as it has been updated with specific Coronavirus content including fears relating to the virus, isolation struggles and health worries for family and friends.
For new referrals and enquiries to Specialist CAMHS Service, please call 01908 724228. Existing patients can call on 01908 724544 or e-mail us: cnw-tr.mkspcamhsspa@nhs.net
Speech and Language Therapy Service
The SLT Team at the CDC:
- For urgent new assessments and ongoing reviews for children with eating and drinking difficulties, we will be supporting these referrals via telephone on a case by case basis, and offer face to face appointments only where it is considered to be clinically essential.
- If you are currently waiting for an assessment or a review we will be in touch with you in due course to arrange your telephone appointment.
- Strategies and advice packs will be provided to you if this is appropriate
- You will have ongoing access to our extended hours telephone support clinic open on Tuesdays 8am to 4pm on 01908 725490.
Speech and Language Therapy Early Years Team
At this time SLT Early Years Team are unable to offer the Drop-In service at the hospital or Wolverton Health Centre, face to face assessments, reviews or therapy appointments for any children presenting with speech, language or communication needs. However, we are working to continue to offer support via telephone or video link and provide you with additional resources. Please call our admin team on 01908 725299 if you have any queries.
Speech and Language Therapy Team for School-aged Children
The SLT Service for Schools are unable to visit schools or to offer any face to face appointments at this time.
- We will be contacting parents of our children with EHC plans to provide strategies, advice and resources.
- If you have any concerns or questions about your child in relation to speech or language please do make contact to discuss via email to chris.rutter1@nhs.net or Telephone 01908 725614 (this has an answering machine and we will get back to you. Please leave a slow and clear message with your child’s name and your contact number).
- The Milton Keynes Speech and Language Therapy Service have a Facebook page and we will be sharing information via this page on a regular basis (including when the service will re-open). Please feel free to like and view this page.
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) contact information
- 01908 253169 / 01908 253170
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ
SEND Team contact information
- 01908 657825 SEND Support Line: Monday-Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ
SENDIAS contact information
- 01908 254518 - Advice Line: Monday-Friday 10am to 3pm
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ
Children with Disabilities Team contact information
- 01908 253617 (Mon-Thurs 9.30am to 5pm and Fri 9.30am to 4.30pm) / Emergency Social Work Team: 01908 265545
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ
Schools contact information
- 01908 691691
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ