
The Ecology Team at MKCC have a wide variety of partnerships in place which support our work.

The Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership (NEP)

Buckinghamshire Council is a partner of the NEP, a project that brings people together who want to make a positive change in nature. 

This NEP forms one of 49 Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) in Britain, developing a vision to: 

  • highlight the importance of the natural environment 

  • develop a more joined-up approach, linking environmental objectives with social and economic goals

The NEP was recognised as a LNP in June 2012. It consists of a variety of sectors alongside environmental bodies. 

Read more about the Natural Environment Partnership and their conservation priorities:  

BMERC (Environmental Records Centre)

The Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Environmental Records Centre (BMERC) has been collating records across the county since the 1970s. 

The data informs decision making in planning, development, and wildlife conservation. 

BMERC collects data from: 

  • skilled volunteer recorders 

  • the general public 

  • professionals working for wildlife charities (BBOWT and RSPB

  • professionals working for government agencies (the Environment Agency and local authorities) 

  • ecological consultants 

Having up to date records allows us to: 

  • map where species are 

  • how these distributions are changing 

  • inform conservation measures 

You can get involved by recording wildlife and geology, and submit your own records to BMERC. It is a great way to enjoy wildlife and nature in your area

The Parks Trust 

The Parks Trust maintain over 6000 acres of green space in Milton Keynes, and continues to take on new parks, woodlands, lakes and landscaped areas as MK grows.

Natural History society 

The Natural History Society was established in MK in 1968 and aims to:

  • promote public interest in wildlife
  • provide a meeting place and forum for people interested in natural history
  • encourage the study and preservation of our wildlife and habitats

The Conservation Volunteers 

The Conservation Volunteers bring together people and green spaces, to promote 'healthier, happier communities for everyone'.  They aim to:

  • strengthen communities, encouraging people to work together to tackle the issues that matter to them
  • protect and improve the environment
  • promote learning inspired by the outdoors, to improve confidence
  • improve mental and physical health through promoting outdoor activities