Local access Forum

Local Access Forums (LAFs) advise decision making organisations (such as local authorities) about making improvements to public access for outdoor recreation and sustainable travel.

LAFs are established under sections 94 and 95 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and are governed by the Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007).

Milton Keynes LAF 

The Milton Keynes Local Access Forum meets 4 times a year and is made up of a variety of people including landowners and users of the public rights of way network including walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Topics for consideration often relate to policy and strategy, large scale planning developments and other rights of way matters.  The meetings are usually held in the evenings beginning at 6.30pm. Walks are organised for members to look at topical issues. 

How to become a LAF member

Members of LAFs are volunteers with an interest in public rights of way. If would like to find out more about what is involved please contact us. 

Current LAF members

Steve Crowther (Chair)- walking, cycling and environmental issues.

John Franklin (Vice-Chair)- walking, dog ownership, environmental and youth issues 

Mike Bowley- walking, cycling and public transport. 

Deborah Cooper- walking, cycling with interest in developing and maintaining good routes through the borough as it develops.

Gail Dunn- walking for all, rights of way preservation, nature and environment and mental health.

LAF Minutes 


Meeting minutes- 11.5.2022  

Meeting minutes- 1.9.2022 

Meeting minutes- 1.12.2022


Meeting minutes- 2.3.2023 

Meeting minutes- 1.6.2023

Meeting minutes- 7.9.2023

Meeting minutes- 7.12.2023


Meeting minutes- 7.3.2024

Meeting minutes- 6.6.2024