Section 31(6) statement of landowner deposits

Landowners can protect their land from additional public rights of way coming into existence through use by the public for 20 years.

Under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 a landowner can apply and submit a map and statement to record from that date forth that any ways, which are not already recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement, cannot be claimed as public rights of way, unless they have been used for 20 years prior to the application date.

Refer to this guidance before submitting your application. The application fee for a new application during the 2024/2025 financial year is £460. A follow up declaration to a previously submitted application is £113. 

A copy of all previously made Highway Deposits and Landowner Statements can be found in the link here:- Section 31(6) landowner deposit register

For specific information on a particular individual including notices and plans please search by Parish below. 

Highways Act & Commons Act Notices and Plans by Parish


Newport Pagnell

Applicant: Ms Parry & Mr Maxwell 

Notice of Highways Act Section 31 Statutory Declaration

Land on the east side of Tickford Abbey, Priory Street, Newport Pagnell, MK16 9AL. Plan 1 & Plan 2. 

Parks and Open Spaces

Parks and Open Spaces contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ