Rules for animal movements

Most movements of livestock are made under a General Licence issued by the Secretary of State (DEFRA).


Sheep, goats, deer and pigs require a movement document.

To prevent the spread of disease a 'standstill period' is triggered when livestock is moved onto premises. Livestock can't be moved off those premises until the standstill period has expired:

  • sheep, goats, deer, cattle - 6 days
  • pigs - 20 days

Sheep, goats and deer

  • An ARAMS (Animal Reporting & Movement Service) document is required and the document must accompany the animals on their journey.
  • ARAM forms can be obtained by visiting the ARAMS website.
  • Please contact the ARAMS helpline for further information on 0844 573 0137.


  • Pig movements must be recorded using the eAML2 service (an electronic version of the AML2 form).
  • Please contact the eAML2 helpline for further information on 0844 335 8400.


Environmental Health contact information

Postal address:, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ