Complaints and reporting offences

If you wish to complain about the operation of premises you should contact the Licensing Authority.

  • Any licensed premises must promote the licensing objective
  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • Prevention of public nuisance; and
  • Protection of children from harm

More information can be found in the Council's Licensing policy 

On occasion there can be cases where the operation of a licensed premise conflicts with the requirements of licensable activities.

Licensing authority

The Licensing Authority will look to encourage compliance with all licensed premises in an effective manner which often involves partnership working and informal action, including inspections, visit and discussions.

Where necessary, formal action can be taken which can result in prosecutions. These can carry unlimited fines and up to six months imprisonment.

Licensed premises can also be reviewed which may result in the licence or certificate being amended, suspended or revoked although this is usually considered a last resort. The Licensing Authority would expect the licensed premises to take action to ensure this stage is not reached.  

The Licensing Act makes provision for 'responsible authorities' or ‘other persons’ to request that a premise licence or club premise certificate be reviewed. Other Persons, as defined in the Licensing Act 2003, include: residents, businesses, Town/ Parish Councils Ward Members, etc.

It is highly recommended that anyone considering an application for a review, contacts the Licensing Authority in the first instance. More information is available in the following Guidance for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate

Application form for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate (PDF, 51KB)