Smoke-free details

If you are looking for information about controls on smoke emitted through chimneys, please follow this link Smoke Control Areas. If you are looking for information about bonfires (open air burning) please follow this link Bonfires.

Give up smoking now before it kills you and other people who breath your smoke.

Need help to give up smoking?

Lots of help is available, see the NHS website.

Pregnancy and smoking

Smoking when pregnant can be harmful to the unborn child. There is special NHS aid available to help mothers-to-be to give up smoking

Smoke-Free England Information Links

Smoke-Free advice and information for specific organisations.

Producing a Smoke-Free Workplace

Everything you need to know about how to make your workplace smoke-free is in this document:

Created by Milton Keynes Primary Care Trust (NHS) and Milton Keynes Council.

There is also a very useful TUC guide for union representatives Negotiating Smoke-Free Workplaces (PDF, 167KB).

Tobacco smoke detectors

A useful aid in helping you to police your smoke-free premises, tobacco smoke and cigarette lighter detectors will automatically give a verbal warning to anyone smoking, or lighting a cigarette, anywhere in your building, for example in the toilets or storerooms.