Water Quality

Pollution control - water quality and pollution

What areas of water quality are regulated by the Regulatory Unit (Environmental Health)?

  • Private Water Supplies - for those who extract their drinking water from private boreholes, springs and wells
  • Bathing Waters  - swimming pools at leisure centres, spa pools, hydrotherapy pools
  • Mains Water - mainly water used by manufacturers of foods and drinks, only occasionally looking at domestic supply

Private water supplies

We have a number of domestic private water supplies where we are the responsible authority for monitoring their quality both microbiologically (bacteria) and chemically (e.g. pesticides). The legislation we use is made under the Water Industry Act 1991 and is called the Private Water Supplies Regulations 2010. This details what the standards of the water should be and how often we have to test the water.

Bathing waters

We are responsible for inspecting all non Local Authority swimming pools including those in leisure centres, private health clubs, hotels and spa pools. If there is a complaint or a problem we will investigate.

Mains water supply

We also examine the quality of the mains water in our food manufacturers, including breweries and other food industries.

Domestic mains water is principally the responsibility of the statutory water undertaker, Anglian Water.

If you have any problems with your domestic mains water supply or your wastewater services you should call the Anglian Water Emergency Helpline 08457 145 145.

Occasionally, we become involved in the testing of domestic mains water in collaboration with Anglian Water. For example, where ground pollution is affecting water supplies we may use our powers under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to ensure the pollution is cleaned up.

Mains water quality

The Drinking Water Inspectorate who are the national body for ensuring the quality of water, provide an annual publication titled "How Good is Your Drinking Water?"

Anglian Water give a useful list of the allowable levels of various chemicals and other parameters in drinking water

Read Anglian Water's Drinking Water Quality Standards