Bletchley Pathfinder

What is Bletchley Pathfinder?

Bletchley Pathfinder is a new multi-agency initiative aimed at improving the ways our health and care services work together. The Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership plan to use the learning from the Bletchley Pathfinder to develop new ways of working across the city.

What have we achieved so far? 

  • We’ve successfully appointed an Independent Chair for the Team Bletchley Delivery Board. Team Bletchley is the way we hope to bring together all those working to make Bletchley a better place, from healthcare to education professionals, to build relationships and understand more about who is doing what in the community.
  • We held our first Team Bletchley networking event on the 17th January 2024 and are planning for our next event in March or April.
  • The NHS and MK City Council have teamed up to fund a new project called Bletchley Clubs.  We’ve used the learning from the successful Lakes Clubs and have a new, bigger grant-giving scheme designed especially for smaller organisations and informal groups who want to organise and run social clubs and support groups.
  • We’ve also been researching some other projects which we are preparing to launch early in 2024, including an initiative aimed at tackling Bletchley's high smoking rates and one to support local families to eat well.

How to get involved?

To find out more about how you can get involved with Bletchley Pathfinder email

Pathfinder Calendar of Events

Information about Bletchley Pathfinder projects

BLMK Integrated Care System