Housing impacts on many areas of daily life. This page sets out the strategies, policies and plans that shape services the council delivers to our residents.
MK policies, strategies, plans and reports
The top-level strategies that translate policy drivers.
- Council Plan 2016-2022- Sets out the council’s vision and overall priorities and programme of work for the period 2016-22
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2020/21 - 2049/50 (PDF, 506KB)- Sets out the Council’s short to-medium term plans and priorities for its landlord services and provides a long term (30 year) perspective on stock investment and financial planning.
- Housing Strategy 2020-2025 (PDF, 692KB) - Sets out the strategic direction for housing activity in Milton Keynes and a vision to provide good quality housing that meets everyone’s needs
- MK 2050 - The MK Futures 2050 Commission report sets out a vision for Milton Keynes in 2050 and views on how to ‘Make a Great Borough Greater'
- Plan MK - Is the Council’s new Local Plan. It sets out our growth ambitions between now and 2031 and the level of new homes, jobs and infrastructure needed to support this
- Private Sector Housing Strategy 2021_2026 (PDF, 687KB)
- Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code MKCC Self-Assessment 2024
- Tenant and Leaseholders Annual Report 2022-2023
- MKCC Tenancy Policy 2022
- MKCC Tenancy Strategy 2022
- Housing Allocations Scheme
- Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
MK Operational Policies and Protocols
These operational policies have a narrower focus and contribute towards delivering top level strategic plans.
- Decant Policy - How we will work with tenants who have to leave their home, temporarily or permanently, because extensive repairs are required or for some other reason that means they are unable to continue living there.
- Flexible Tenancy Policy 2019 (PDF, 268KB) - Granting flexible tenancies to households remaining in properties bought on the open market
- Private Sector Housing Enforcement Protocol 2020 (PDF, 534KB)
- Rent and Service Charge Policy 2023
- Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy
- Joint housing protocol for care experienced young people
- Anti Social Behaviour (ASB)
- Complaints Policy 2024
National Legislation, Policies and Guidance
These are the key documents that inform all of Milton Keynes strategies and plans.
Evidence base
Key data sources that inform our strategies, policies and plans.