Residents associations

A residents association is formed by a group of residents living on an estate or in a street(s), who come together to form an association to make their area a better place to live in.

It gives residents more say in how their estate is run and allows them to work with Milton Keynes Council to find solutions to problems affecting their area. A residents association can also be a way to organise events and activities for all residents in the area to enjoy.

Residents associations in Milton Keynes

Resident associations and contact details are listed below. If you'd like to get involved or have any questions contact your area representative.

If your area is not listed above, there may still be a residents association in your area. To find out more email our resident engagement team.

You may also be able to find out more about what is happening in your area by checking local noticeboards or visiting local centres.

Housing - Residents Engagement

Residents Engagement - contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3HS,