The information contained in this page is to help Residents Associations and provide some guidance to anyone who would like to set one up if there isn't one in their area.
These documents are aimed to help you set up and run a Residents Association.
The first thing you need to have is a Constitution. This sets out the aims and guidelines of your group. We have a template that you can use. Feel free to download our constitution template. (DOCX, 18KB) Your constitution will need to be reviewed and signed at your AGM every year.
Role Descriptions
- Role of a Chair or Vice Chair (PDF, 211KB)
- Role of Secretary (PDF, 274KB)
- Role of Treasurer (PDF, 201KB)
- Role of Committee Members (PDF, 268KB)
Code of Conduct and GDPR
The code of conduct can be used during all meetings to help things go smoothly and to make sure that the people attending the meeting are aware of how they should behave. You can use our Code of Conduct template (PDF, 196KB) as a guide to create your own code. All Residents Associations are required to have a GDPR policy, we have created one you can use.
Taking minutes of meetings
Every meeting must have minutes taken which will record any decisions made by the committee and a description of any actions to be followed up. You can use our minutes template (DOCX, 15KB) as an example.
Holding a big event
The Planning an event guide (DOCX, 28KB) will help you if your group decide to run a big event, like a fun day or a community party.
Residents Engagement - contact information
- Team: 01908 253 148.
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3HS,