Careers within Social Work

Social Work Roles within Adult Social Care

Social workers help individuals by supporting them with their care needs and by protecting their human rights and well-being. Social work is covered by a number of teams within adult social care at Milton Keynes, please see details below.

Mental Health Team

Social care workers in this team work directly with people who have a diagnosed mental health condition. We practice from a strengths based perspective  

Working Age Adults

Social Care Workers in this team work directly with people who have a diagnosed Learning Disability. They practice from a strengths perspective with the overarching aim of helping people live a good and meaningful life. Their duties and responsibilities under the Care Act 2014, shape the work that they do with adults and their carers to ensure quality of life.

Support Workers

Support Workers are based across a number of teams in Adult Social Care at the Council, such as Access Team and the Mental Health and Autism Team. Support workers work to meet the needs of individuals who are not eligible for Adult Social Care but due to a level of vulnerability and risk, do require person centred support in some aspects of life to promote independence and maintain good quality of life.

Assessment Team

The Assessment Team is an experienced energetic team who go the extra mile to support the adults and older people that come into the service and need our support. The team completes initial assessments and reassessments, as well as safeguarding enquiries. There is also a team of duty workers on a rota that respond to cases coming through the front door if there is an urgent need.

Review Team

The Review Team is made up of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants and their main role is to carry out regular reviews of people’s care and support packages and review residential and nursing home placements. They are committed to making sure that the care being received is person centred, strength based and overall promoting the person's health and well-being.

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