Social Work Training

Social Work Training Courses:

We seek to improve social work practice through:

  • Excellent learning and development opportunities

  • Reflective supervision

  • Peer group supervision sessions

For Social Work staff, a number of mandatory training courses are provided:

  • Safeguarding Adults

  • Mental Capacity Act

  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

  • Autism

  • Social Care Law update

Accredited programmes available:

Newly Qualified Social Worker (NQSW)

The assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) is a programme that gives newly qualified social workers (NQSW) extra support during their first year of employment. The programme aims to develop their skills, knowledge and professional confidence. At Milton Keynes Council, we ensure that we enable the NQSW to consolidate their degree learning, develop capability and strengthen their professional confidence in an employment environment.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities

A CPD programme is available for qualified Occupational Therapists (OT), Social Workers, Best Interest Assessors (BIA) or Approved Mental Health Practitioners (AMHP) to maintain their professional registration.  Staff are also supported to achieve post qualifying awards, such as:

  • Practice Educator (Stages one and two)

  • Approved Mental Health Practitioner (AMHP)


Other qualifications available


As the prevalence of dementia is increasing and we are supporting people to stay in their own homes for longer, MKC is striving to achieve excellence in Dementia care. Two Dementia specific qualification programmes are available to enhance the knowledge of our staff.

Level 3 Award in Awareness of Dementia

Dementia Awareness

Dementia and Medication

Virtual Dementia Tour

Dementia – Communication and Interaction



Level 3 Certificate in Dementia Care

Dementia Awareness

Dementia and Medication

Virtual Dementia Tour

Dementia – Communication and Interaction

Dementia – Person Centred Care and Support

Dementia – Creating Dementia Friendly Environments and Meaningful Activities


End of Life

MKC delivers the End of Life Programme to develop our staff to feel confident when supporting people who are nearing the end of their lives, and enable staff to achieve a relevant qualification.

  • Award in Awareness of EOL                                                

  • Certificate in Working in End of Life Care      

Disability confident employerarmed forces goldLiving wage employerWorking to become Dementia Friendly