Milton Keynes City Council is planning to continue funding an in-demand service which provides treatment for residents experiencing harm from drugs and alcohol and supports their recovery. From March 2022 to September 2024, there has been a 23% increase in the number of people accessing this treatment in Milton Keynes.
The service, called Addiction Recovery Community Milton Keynes (ARC-MK), is delivered by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL). It provides specialist help for residents aged 18 and over who are experiencing drug and/or alcohol dependency.
ARC-MK provides local people with a wide range of support such as clinical assessment, substitute prescribing, group work, and facilitates access to detox and rehabilitation. The service is delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, Non-Medical Prescribers (NMPs), and recovery specialists. They work closely with partners across a range of areas, from psychological and physical health to safeguarding, rough sleeping, criminal justice and employment.
Residents can self-refer or a health professional can refer on their behalf. Following referral, all residents who need this service begin their treatment within three weeks.
A decision to extend the service for a further two years, from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2027 is set for 21 January.
“Sadly, alcohol and substance abuse are common addictions, and everyone should have the opportunity to get good quality help to make and sustain a positive change. For those who engage in treatment, it can be the trigger for getting the extra help they need to address other physical and mental health conditions. Our partners in the NHS have been delivering a safe and effective service which is why we believe this specialist support for residents should continue.”
CNWL is also the provider of community mental health services in Milton Keynes. They work with vulnerable residents who experience both drug or alcohol and mental health problems.