Inspection of work

Building control systems exist to ensure buildings are properly designed and constructed, safeguarding the health, safety, welfare, and convenience of everyone.


For all types of work, you must provide us with an official notice at least two days before starting. You can do this by completing an online form (signup not required) and selecting the Inspection type* as ‘Work starting date. For notification only. No inspection required.’ or by contacting us.

Building Regulation Application

Please check you have submitted a valid building control application before commencing work on site. If you are not sure, please contact us.

Site inspections

Inspections are carried out between 10:30am and 4:00pm. Please request inspections at least one working day in advance by 5:00 PM on a working day. Requests made after office hours for the following day may not be accepted.

You can book your building control site inspection:

  • Online (signup not required)
  • Using the LABC Site Inspection app (download/installation required)

Inspection stages

For new constructions (such as extensions), you must inform us when you reach the following stages so we can inspect work before it is covered up

  • Excavation for foundations
  • Ground floor oversite
  • Damp proof course
  • Drains laid, before backfilling
  • Drains backfilled and on test
  • Insulation

There may be additional stages of work that require inspection, especially for different types of projects such as flooring, roofing, and steel works. The Building Inspector will be happy to discuss these with you at the start of the project.

Completion inspection

For all types of work, you must email us your Completion Notice Form before final inspection booking) within five days of completing your work (or before occupation) for a final inspection. Following a satisfactory inspection, a Completion Certificate will be issued.

Completion Certificates are valuable documentary evidence showing that the work satisfied Building Regulations at the time of inspection. A Completion Certificate may be required when selling a property or raising finance, so keep it safe.

Building Control

Building Control contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ