In light of national changes to bring forward mandatory biodiversity net gain, Milton Keynes City Council will be seeking further information with all major applications with immediate effect. This will extend to all minor applications on 2nd April 2024, where the exemptions are not met. The information required for validation of major applications can be found in the Planning Practice Guidance. We are presently reviewing our Planning Application Validation Requirements and will publish an update shortly. Failure to submit the information required is likely to result in delays to the validation of and decision on your application, or lead to refusal of permission.
Make your online application via the planning portal
New to the planning process
Use our glossary of planning terms (PDF, 232KB) and find out the stages of your application.
Application forms and document checklists
Use our planning application checklists to understand which form(s) you require and what information is needed.
The Council adopted its Planning Application Validation Requirements (PAVR) on 13th March 2023. The PAVR is set out by application type, summarising the relevant national criteria and specifying the locally required information. The PAVR sets out the thresholds for when each item will or is likely to be requested, and the glossary explains the standards and content expected for plans and information requested.
You can download the PAVR:
Planning Application Validation Requirements
Planning Application Validation Requirements - Annex E (Housing Accommodation Schedule)
If you would like advice regarding which documents from the PAVR are necessary for your planning application, then you should seek pre-application advice.
View the scale of application fees or use the planning portal fee calculator.
Useful information
Planning enquiries contact information
- 01908 252358
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ