This page contains all the planning documents for application 21/00999/OUTEIS - MK East by Berkeley
MKE - Biodiversity Impact Assessment Metric (PDF, 5.4MB)
MKE - Cover Letter and Application Directory (PDF, 317KB)
MKE - Design and Access Statement - Part 1 (PDF, 26MB)
MKE - Design and Access Statement - Part 2 (PDF, 48.5MB)
MKE - Design and Access Statement - Part 3 (PDF, 33.9MB)
MKE - Health Impact Assessment (PDF, 6.2MB)
MKE - MK Citizen Notice (PDF, 5.1MB)
MKE - Outline Energy Statement (PDF, 4.3MB)
MKE - Planning Application Form (PDF, 616KB)
MKE - Planning Statement Appendix 3 - Housing Statement (PDF, 3.1MB)
MKE - Planning Statement Appendix 4 - Retail Statement (PDF, 3.4MB)
MKE - Planning Statement (PDF, 8MB)
MKE - S106 Heads of Terms (PDF, 2.7MB)
MKE - Statement of Community Involvement (PDF, 12.9MB)