Brownfield Register of Land


'Brownfield' is the term used in urban planning to describe land which has previously been used, often for industrial purposes or some commercial use, but has subsequently become vacant or derelict.

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 ('the Regulations') place a responsibility on the Council to prepare and maintain a register of brownfield sites.


The regulations state that the council's register must be published by 31 December 2017 and that it may consist of two parts:

  • part 1 - all sites which are 'suitable', 'available', and 'achievable' for residential development which could be delivered within 15 years; and
  • part 2 - any sites which are given 'permission in principle'. Inclusion on part 2 would grant permission in principle for residential development (the scale to be determined by the Council) and the land owner/developer would have to apply for 'technical details consent' before any development could commence.

There is no requirement to place any sites on part 2 of the register. 

At this point in time the council does not intend to produce a part 2 register.


The Register was initially informed by the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017 (SHLAA), which has been prepared as part of the evidence base for Plan:MK, and planning permissions, commencements and completions as of 30 September 2018.  Please note that all sites commenced or completed as of 30 September 2022 have been removed as it was deemed, they were no longer 'available' for development.

You can view the most recent Brownfield Register at the following link:

Site boundaries can be viewed on the Brownfield Register map category layer at the following link: 

The Register is subject to annual review.