Wolverton Public Realm Design Guide


Wolverton Town Centre has been identified as an area for regeneration and growth as part of a frontrunner Neighbourhood Plan. This outlines development opportunities and highway changes / improvements proposed across the town centre. As these developments and highway changes come forward, it is important to ensure that the public realm in Wolverton provides a vibrant, high quality, well-connected setting for business, commerce, retail and living to flourish.

Wolverton Town Centre is a designated Conservation Area. Its historic Victorian and Edwardian character, and layout are distinctive and provide a basis for the future design of the public realm. Conversely, historically changes to the public realm have not been sympathetic to its status as a Conservation Area or the unique character the town centre possesses.

The role of the Design Manual is to provide guidance on the design of the public environment that is sympathetic to its Victorian and Edwardian heritage and to ensure it is co-ordinated, attractive, easily understood and easy to move around.

The Manual will reduce the need for detailed discussion about the design of the public realm for each planning application or individual highway works in Wolverton, as the design principles are already set out in this document. The Manual is set out to be easy for developers, designers and contractors to use, and combines design aspirations with a practical choice of materials.

The Design Manual is divided into four sections:

  • section 1 introduces the area of the study, the rationale behind the Design Manual as well as the scope, objectives and the vision for the future of Wolverton’s public realm
  • section 2 provides an overview of Urban Design principles and a basic list of best practice. This draws from policy and previously published guidance for public realm 
  • section 3 details a range of Wolverton specific Illustrated layouts in both plan form and 3D for; Junctions, Back ways, Crossings, Streets and Places
  • section 4 provides a range of individual product sheets detailing; preferred ground surfacing, street furniture, lighting, signage and landscaping; including details of materials, finishes, locations and possible suppliers


The Wolverton Public Realm Design Manual has been prepared jointly between Milton Keynes Council and Wolverton Steering Group.

Consultation of the manual has been carried out during the development of the document.

MKC officers in Urban Design, Highways, Highway Safety, Conservation and Neighbourhood Management teams, as well as members of the Wolverton Steering group including Wolverton and Greenleys Town Council have all contributed.

Stakeholder groups and the wider community were also engaged in the process during the Wolverton Neighbourhood planning workshops.

There was a positive reaction from all attendees and feedback has informed the content of the manual. As a manual it maybe subject to updates.

Any updates will be in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

You can view the full design guide manual here