Supported Employment MK

Our key priorities are to:

  • ensure more people with a learning disability have the opportunity to work.
  • promote the benefits of supported employment with local employers.
  • support Milton Keynes Council to employ more people with a learning disability.
  • ensure people with a learning disability are given the support necessary to find sustainable and meaningful employment.

The SE:MK process

  • Initial assessment - one to one meeting to discuss personal details, likes and dislikes and job aspirations.
  • Training needs assessment - mini work related tasks to see skill levels and training needs including vocational profiling.
  • Application stage - one to one support spent applying for jobs and preparing for work, during this time you could complete work experience.
  • Employment gained - we will support your induction and first few shifts to help you learn the job and travel train you if required.
  • Independent employment - we will fade our support once you are suitably trained and potentially offer further support if needed in the future.

Enterprises currently supported by SE:MK

  • Café Civic - based at Civic, this small café is staffed by people with a learning disability and provides drinks, snacks and fresh, healthy food to the council workforce.
  • A training kitchen based in Neath Hill which is used to train kitchen staff with learning disabilities and provides catering for all MKC corporate events.
  • Independent travel training in Milton Keynes.
  • A variety of employability courses and supported internships.


If you are a parent or carer of someone with learning disabilities or you have learning disabilities yourself you can contact the adult social care hub for more information.

Community Learning - Adult Education

Community Learning - Adult Education contact information

CLMK Learning Centre, MK Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL