Step 1
Initial Concern Parent and/or key person raise concerns about a child. Concerns are discussed between key person, parent and SENCo. Reorganise room/environment and plan activities appropriate to the child’s ability. Complete the Environmental checklist in the Graduated response document and look at the information in the FACT and FACT+.
Use the Bridging the Gap document and the FACT/FACT+ documents to assess the child’s area of need. Record this on an EYFS tracker and Assess, Plan, Do, Review form. Look at the Good practice Guidance For All Learners Through The Graduated Response – Minimum Standards. This document contains the expectation of settings for Quality First Teaching, Targeted Support and Personalised Interventions. It describes what can be delivered
Using the same documents write an Assess, Plan, Do, Review form (APDR) or complete the Grids in the FACT/FACT+ document to set 2 or 3 outcomes you want to achieve in 4 to 6 weeks.
Put in place the strategies in your plan and monitor the child’s progress on the APDR monitoring sheet or equivalent used in your setting. Some of the Strategies may include visual aids, visual timetable, now and next board, key fob, song cards, a quiet calm area where the child could go if they need some quiet time. For some settings this may not be possible so a calming box/sensory box would be more appropriate.
Have the outcomes been achieved. YES – Set new outcomes and start the APDR cycle again. NO – Explore why this might be. Were the outcomes realistic? What other factors might have prevented the desired outcome from being achieved. Continue with same outcomes or set new ones
If the child has not made expected progress after two 4 to 6 week cycles then you may want further advice. Phone the SEND team on 01908 657825 or email on