Transition meeting record

Child’s name





Current setting/ school



Tel no.


Name of SENCo



Next setting/ school




Strengths/ positives/ communication levels/ activities the child or young person likes




Main areas of need, including medical needs/ levels of independence/ interaction levels





Specific equipment required: hearing aids, visual aids for communication, adapted utensils, special seating etc.





Activities or situations that the child may need support with: story time, registration, lunchtime, group activities or length of day etc.






Strategies that have been successful and could be transferred to school






Parent and child views








Parent signature:                         Setting signature:                                                     Date:                                                   

Enter Text here

To be completed for all children where a meeting is held (this normally will be for children with Education, Health Care Plans or are going through the process, or other vulnerable children).  Please attach the last two Assess, Plan Do, Review cycles and Outcomes, along with relevant reports from outside agencies.


Record of Transition Planning Meeting

Present at meeting






Dates of visits by child to new setting/ school





Name of contact person in new setting/ school





Review date with parents in school




Agencies  previously involved


Contact no.

Date of involvement

































Parent signature: ......................  Setting signature: ..................................................  Date: ..................................................