Writing outcomes: guidance for practitioners

The Definition of an outcome

An outcome can be defined as the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of an intervention”. (SEN code of practice 9.64)

Outcomes must be 

  • Clearly worded, shared, agreed and reviewed
  • SMART: S - Specific M - Measurable A - Attainable R - Realistic T - Timed
  • A description of what a child of young person could be doing at a specific point of time in the future
  • Focus on the child or young person in the context of the family
  • Involve the child or young person and family as much as possible
  • Be personalised
  • Are not about the intentions / needs of the professional
  • Use action verbs to that they are performance orientated
  • Typically written in the future tense

Writing framework

Consider what the child or young person needs to achieve? What are the needs?

A useful starting point to review previous objectives, from these outcomes can be derived if still appropriate. 

1. Create a 'stem' - for example by the end of key stage 1 'X'  will be able to 

2. Add the action to describe the desired achievement - for example 'read a non picture book' or 'indicate when needing to use the toilet'.

3. Include any further details/variables - for example 'independently' 'using visual supports' or 'when prompted' 

4. Consider what special educational provisions are required - for example any programmes or interventions that are recommended

5. Include any input or support to be put in place - for example adult assistance or specific resources