Milton Keynes City Council spend 2024/25

In order to be more accountable to citizens, and to meet government requirements to improve financial transparency within local councils, we are now publishing all council spend over £500.

Council spend over £500

Links to documents of all the payments of over £500 that we have made will be provided. The data will be published monthly and no later than 30 days after the quarter end.

We publish the data in CSV format. CSV is a machine readable format which allows you to copy the data into a spreadsheet or database.  An archive of published data is also available.

Documents 2024/2025

Council Spend Data April 2024

What’s included / excluded?

Information on invoices, grant payments, expense payments and other transactions over £500 will be published. It only applies to payments made directly from local authority budgets (therefore payments to schools, benefit payments etc. are excluded).

Names have been excluded from publication where they:

  • Are exempt from publication under the data protection act
  • Relate to the protection of vulnerable adults or children
  • Are confidential or would attract an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act e.g. where disclosure could be prejudicial to the commercial interests of any person including the authority

Transactions have been excluded from publication where they relate to:

  • Income
  • Financing or underwriting of debt
  • Financing and Investment expenditure
  • Payments made to HM Revenue & Customs for VAT, PAYE and National Insurance Contributions (NIC) or pensions

We are also currently excluding housing benefit payments.

Using this information

This information is licensed under the open government licence and you are free to download and reuse this data as outlined under the terms and conditions of this licence.

When you use this information, you should include the following attribution, replacing *Month* *Year* with the appropriate information:

[Spending over £500, Milton Keynes Council, *Month* *Year*], licensed under the open government licence.

Further information

Guidance around local authorities publishing spend over £500 is available.  

Requests for more details about items listed or about how we publish this data can be submitted as a freedom of information request.