In addition to the publishing of senior salary information, the Transparency Code 2015 requires that role responsibilities for all senior employees whose salary exceeds £50,000 are also made available.
According to the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011, ‘senior employees’ are defined as those earning more than £50,000 per year and who is either:
- A head of paid service or chief officer
- Head of staff or
- A person who has responsibility for the management of the relevant body to the extent that the person has power to direct or control the major activities of the body (in particular activities involving the expenditure of money).
The role profiles below contain details of the responsibilities of senior employees as required by the Transparency Code 2015.
(Please note that job titles on the senior salary list may slightly differ from the role profile)
The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011, ‘senior employees’ are defined as those earning more than £50,000 per year and who is either:
- A head of paid service or chief officer
- Head of staff or
- A person who has responsibility for the management of the relevant body to the extent that the person has power to direct or control the major activities of the body (in particular activities involving the expenditure of money).
The role profiles below contain details of the responsibilities of senior employees as required by the Transparency Code 2015.
(Please note that job titles on the senior salary list may slightly differ from the role profile)
Senior role profiles
Assistant Directors
Assistant Director, Children and Families
Assistant Director, Commissioning
Assistant Director, Education, Learning and Inclusion
Assistant Director, Highways and Transport
Assistant Director, Housing and Support
Assistant Director, Housing Delivery and Regeneration
Assistant Director, Housing Maintenance, Investment and Corporate Health and Safety
Assistant Director, Provider Services
Assistant Director, Revenues and Benefits
Heads of Service
Head of Children's Quality Assurance and Performance
Head of Customer, Digital and Insight
Head of Delivery - Sufficiency and Access
Head of Family Support Services
Head of Housing Solutions and Supply and Acquisitions
Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer
Head of Mental Health and Complex Needs
Head of Older Peoples Social Work and Safeguarding
Head of Partnerships and Resilience
Head of Public Health (Built Environment and Social Housing)
Head of Youth Justice Services
Interim Head of Working Age Adults Autism
Principle Officer for Education Outcomes
General enquiries contact information
- 01908 691691 - 9am-5.15pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and 10am-5.15pm Wed (Out of hours emergency phone: 01908 226699)
Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ