Information used in the production of the My Milton Keynes interactive mapping web site is derived from a number of sources including information sourced and maintained by Milton Keynes Council and information derived from third parties. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, however, it is inevitable given the range and quantity of information used on the site that errors may occur especially relating to the naming and location of individual facilities. Processes are in place to review this information periodically or where intelligence is provided to the council's GIS team by service teams responsible for facilities within the council.
In using the site the public are requested to bring any errors they find to our attention by using the report forms. The Report an Address Error Form will alert our Street Naming and Numbering officer to any addressing issues and our Feedback Form enables users to report any data errors directly to our GIS team who will research and make amendments to the data where needed.
Milton Keynes Council acknowledge Land Registry Land Ownership information appearing on this site is Crown copyright protected and bring the following statement to the public’s attention:
© Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of Land Registry under delegated authority from the Controller of HMSO.
This material was last updated on July 2015 and may not be copied, distributed, sold or published without the formal permission of Land Registry. Only an official copy of a title plan or register obtained from the Land Registry may be used for legal or other official purposes.
The maps held on this site are intended for identification purposes only and must not be used for scaling or formal documentation.