Each Cabinet member holds a portfolio of responsibilities. You can find out what area of the Council's work each councillor deals with here.
Leader of the Cabinet - Councillor Pete Marland
- Council Plan
- Communications
- Policy
- External Relationships
- South Midlands Authorities Board
- Devolution
- Local Government Association (LGA)
- Bletchley Town Deal
- Integrated Care Board (ICB) Integration
- Planning Policy
- Planning Services
Deputy Leader and Resources and Customer Experience - Councillor Lauren Townsend
- Finance and Budget
- Council Tax & Benefits
- Capital & Infrastructure
- Property, Facilities & IT
- Human Resources
- Milton Keynes Development Partnership
- Procurement
- Customer Services
- Website
Community Safety - Councillor Amber McQuillan
- START Taskforce
- Community Safety
- Knife Crime
- Domestic Abuse
- Traveller Encampments
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Car Cruising
- Parish Partnerships
- Voluntary and Community Partnerships
Economy, Sustainability, and Innovation - Councillor Shanika Mahendran
- Economic Development
- Skills
- Climate Change
- Net Zero
- Sustainability
- Biodiversity
- Energy
- Air Quality
- Smart Cities
- Innovation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Culture
- Events
- Equalities
Public Realm - Councillor Akash Nayee (Maternity cover for Jenny Wilson-Marklew)
- Waste and Recycling
- Highways
- Landscaping
- Transport
- Road Safety
- Flooding
Adult Services, Health & Communities - Councillor Donna Fuller
- Adult Social Care
- Preventative Services
- Safeguarding Adults
- Public Health
- Mental Health
- Rough Sleeping
- Cost of Living support
- Reducing Child Poverty
- Reducing Inequalities
Children and Young People - Councillor Joe Hearnshaw
- Safeguarding Children
- Children’s Social Care
- Corporate Parenting
- Fostering & Adoption
- Schools & Education
- Family Centres
- Libraries
- Youth Services
- Youth Offending
- Criminal Justice
Housing - Councillor Ed Hume
- Housing Services
- Repairs & Maintenance
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan
- Estate Renewal
- Temporary Accommodation
Regulatory Services - Councillor Mick Legg
- Licensing
- Regulatory Services
- Environmental Health
- Bereavement Services
- Leisure & Community Assets
- Sport