Milton Keynes Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022


All Health and Care Partnerships are required by government to produce an assessment of pharmaceutical services in its area every three years, this is known as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). 

The PNA is used to identify any gaps in current services or improvements that could be made to future pharmaceutical service provision.  It is also used by NHS England when making decisions on applications to open new pharmacies. As these decisions may be appealed and challenged via the courts, it is important that the PNAs are kept up to date to accurately reflect the needs of the population in local authority areas.

The PNA for Milton Keynes was originally due for publication in 2021 but was postponed Nationally due to Covid-19 with a revised date for publication of 01 Oct 2022. 

The consultation on the final draft of the PNA for Milton Keynes took place over a 60-day period as required from 1 June to 31 July 2022, available to view on the MKC website and open to any patient, consumer or community group in Milton Keynes who has an interest in the provision of pharmaceutical services. 

The final version of the PNA for MK can be accessed via the hyperlink below. 

Final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and Supplementary Statement

Read the final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and Supplementary Statement.

Click here to download the easy read version.