Standard 2: Understand your role as a foster carer Document 2.0 Induction Standard 2 Outline (doc, 31.5 KB) Document 2.1a Aims of Milton Keynes Fostering Service (doc, 21.5 KB) Document 2.1b Tasks I Do (doc, 22 KB) Document 2.1c The Role of the Supervising Social Worker (doc, 27 KB) Document 2.2a Every Child Matters Timeline (Information) (doc, 26.5 KB) Document 2.2a Every Child Matters Timeline (doc, 21.5 KB) Document 2.2b Policies and Procedures (doc, 22.5 KB) Document 2.3a Relationships with parents and others (doc, 22.5 KB) Document 2.3b Relationships with parents and others (doc, 23.5 KB) Document 2.4 Services Around the Child (doc, 26 KB) Document 2.5 Activities I Do (doc, 31 KB) Document 2.6 Complaints and Compliments (doc, 30 KB) Document 2.7 Legislation Box Matching Activity (doc, 29.5 KB) Document Acts of Parliament (pdf, 77.41 KB) Document CWDC Induction Standards Training format for Standard 2 (pdf, 67.7 KB) Document The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (pdf, 110.7 KB)