Milton Keynes Bus Service Improvement Plan
Milton Keynes City Council's (MKCC) - Bus Service Improvement Plan (BISP) published in November 2022 sets out a shared vision for excellent, green and inclusive public transport in Milton Keynes and was developed jointly with operators.
Milton Keynes Bus Service Improvement Plan
Milton Keynes Bus Partnership: Enhances Partnership Plan and Scheme
Milton Keynes Public Transport Passenger Charter
This charter was written and signed by the following Local Transport Authorities and Bus Operators: Milton Keyes Council Passenger Transport, Arriva, Vale Travel, Z&S Transport, Red Rose Travel, Stagecoach, Uno, Grant Palmer and other operators in Milton Keynes area.
This Passenger’s Charter sets out our commitment to deliver a safe, reliable and high-quality bus provision in Milton Keynes. It identifies the minimum standards you should expect from our service. It also explains what to do if things go wrong and how you can get in touch with your ideas and comments.
Milton Keynes Public Transport Passenger Charter
Read the plain version of the charter on this page.
Read the Passenger Charter in Polish, Tamil or Urdu below.
Statutory notification of service changes
Following the statement below from the Traffic Commissioners Office (TCO), MKCC feels it is a positive position that the TCO may accept 28 days notice again for a period to allow flexibility on the network.
As per the statement, this does not impact on statutory duties to notify the Local Transport Authority. However MKCC recognise the need to be flexible in the current climate and as such set out the following requirements.
Change and withdrawal : the statutory 28 days is still required in order to allow the Council time to review impact and notify those areas affected.
Registration : MKCC is happy to allow a reduced period for new services and extensions to existing services by agreement. When a request for shorter notice is received we will confirm by email that we are happy to proceed on this basis.
If any operator believes they have extenuating circumstances regarding the withdrawal or changing of a service MKCC is happy to have a discussion regarding reduced notice and consider such applications.
From the TCO:
Local Authority Notification
Nothing in this statement removes the statutory requirement for a local authority in England to receive the pre-registration notice of 28 days for any change to a registration. The position on local authority notification is a matter for those local authorities working with operators and the Government.
General Approach and Starting Points
Any application to vary or cancel registrations at short notice must meet at least one of the statutory requirements as set out in Regulation 7 of the Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) Regulations 1986. Traffic commissioners will consider each application for short notice on its individual merit in accordance with the legislative grounds.
A traffic commissioner considering and granting a request for short notice dispensation for these reasons, will adopt a starting position that the 42-day notice period (England) and 56-day notice period (Wales) will be reduced to 28 days.
Transport Satisfaction Survey
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