The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Milton Keynes Council via a Delegated Decision on 30 March 2021. The adopted SPD is available at the link below and details regarding the consultation on the draft document and the responses received during the consultation are outlined later on this page.
Health Impact Assessment SPD 2021 - Adopted Version
The Delegated Decision report recommending adoption of the SPD is available to view at:
Delegated Decision 30 March 2021
The adoption of the SPD enables the implementation of Policy EH6 of Plan:MK which requires all Use Class C2 developments and C3 residential developments in excess of 50 dwellings to prepare a Health Impact Assessment.
The SPD provides further guidance and support on the delivery of an HIA. It specifically outlines the process which applicants will be expected to follow in preparing an HIA and how the document will be assessed when determining relevant planning applications.
The SPD outlines an HIA Screening/Scoping Template to be used by applicants during the early stages of preparing their HIA and to assist with pre-application engagement. A blank word version of the template is provided below for applicants to use:
Milton Keynes Health Impact Assessment Screening/Scoping Template
Consultation on the Draft Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document 2020
Milton Keynes Council consulted on a draft version of the Health Impact Assessment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for a period of 8 weeks between Wednesday 5 August and Wednesday 30 September 2020. Following the consultation period, all comments received were taken into consideration by the Council in finalising the SPD for adoption.
A copy of the draft HIA SPD which was consulted on can be viewed below, alongside a copy of the associated SEA Screening Statement and a document which outlines all comments received during the consultation and an associated Officer response.
The following documents form part of this consultation:
a) Draft Health Impact Assessment SPD August 2020
c) Draft HIA SPD (2020) Consultation Responses and Officer Response MD