South Caldecotte Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

South Caldecotte Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Please note that the production of the South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD will not be taken forward following recent appeal decision APP/Y0435/W/20/3251121: Land at Brickhill Street, South Caldecotte, MK17 9FE.


Please note: The production of the South Caldecotte Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), for the strategic Employment Allocation Site in Plan:MK 2016-2031, will not be taken forward following the recent appeal decision APP/Y0435/W/20/3251121: Land at Brickhill Street, South Caldecotte, MK17 9FE.

The scheme allowed is the revised scheme put forward during the Public Inquiry that responded to Milton Keynes Council’s  reasons for refusal to the planning application. The revised scheme contains a level of detail which is greater than a supplementary planning document would provide.  A decision to cancel the SPD will be confirmed in a revised Local Development Scheme that will be taken for a Delegated Decision in the new year.

Details of the Public Inquiry can be found at the following link:

Public Inquiry - 33251121- South Caldecotte


South Caldecotte has been allocated for employment development in Plan:MK. The Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide detailed guidance on the development of the site. This SPD would be a material consideration in any future planning applications for development of the South Caldecotte allocation. A map of the site can be seen at the following link:

 Map of the site 


Draft South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD 2019

Milton Keynes Council is consulting on a revised Draft South Caldecotte Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following consultation on a draft SPD in 2018 and the Adoption of Plan:MK in March 2019.

The SPD will support policies in Plan:MK and will be considered a material consideration in the determination of planning applications submitted to the Council.

The consultation will run for a period of eight weeks, commencing on Wednesday 8th May. All comments must be received no later than 5pm on Wednesday 3rd July 2019.

After the end of the consultation period, any comments received will be considered by Officers and the Development Framework SPD will be amended accordingly. A report will then be prepared to reflect the comments received throughout the consultation. The final version will then be approved by Cabinet. 

The preferred method for submitting comments is on a Consultation Response Form which can be downloaded below or a hard copy is available in all public libraries within the Borough and the Council’s main Civic Office. Please return your completed form to us via:


Or post: Milton Keynes Council, Development Plans, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

The following documents form part of this consultation:

  1. Draft South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD March 2019 
  2. Summary of 2018 consultation responses and MKC response 
  3. SEA Screening Statement 

Paper copies of all consultation documents have been placed in all libraries across the Borough and at the main Council Civic Office.

Draft South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD 2018

Milton Keynes Council consulted on a draft South Caldecotte Development Framework in March-April 2018.