Public Inquiry - 3251121 – South Caldecotte – 19/01818/OUT

A. Planning Application Documents

A.14 Design and Access Statement-1-32.pdf (PDF, 3.4MB)

A.14 Design and Access Statement-33-65.pdf (PDF, 13.6MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-1-80.pdf (PDF, 7.2MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-81-84.pdf (PDF, 8.8MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-85-88.pdf (PDF, 5.4MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-89-92.pdf (PDF, 8.7MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-93-96.pdf (PDF, 8.9MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-97-100.pdf (PDF, 8.9MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-101-105.pdf (PDF, 14.6MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment-106-110.pdf (PDF, 621KB)

A.29 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Assessment-1-150.pdf (PDF, 7.7MB)

A.29 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Assessment-151-292.pdf (PDF, 10.7MB)

A.25 Transport Assessment-1-300.pdf (PDF, 11.4MB)

A.25 Transport Assessment-301-473.pdf (PDF, 12.4MB)

A.1 Planning Application Forms.pdf (PDF, 216KB)

A.2 Planning Application Covering Letter.pdf (PDF, 249KB)

A.3 Site Location Plan.pdf (PDF, 673KB)

A.4 Concept Plan.pdf (PDF, 780KB)

A.5 Constraints Plan.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)

A.6 Development Framework Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

A.7 Indicative Masterplan.pdf (PDF, 1.5MB)

A.8 Parameters Plan.pdf (PDF, 487KB)

A.9 Land Use Areas Plan.pdf (PDF, 1000KB)

A.10 Topographic Survey.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

A.11 Cut and Fill Isopachytes.pdf (PDF, 1.2MB)

A.12 Constraints Overlay Plan.pdf (PDF, 539KB)

A.13 Planning Statement.pdf (PDF, 2.6MB)

A.14 Design and Access Statement.pdf (PDF, 17.1MB)

A.15 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf (PDF, 7.3MB)

A.16 Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf (PDF, 6.3MB)

A.17 Tree Constraints Plan.pdf (PDF, 3.4MB)

A.18 Tree Survey.pdf (PDF, 937KB)

A.19 Tree Protection Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.9MB)

A.20 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf (PDF, 64.1MB)

A.21 Sustainable Drainage Statement.pdf (PDF, 9.4MB)

A.22 Noise Assessment.pdf (PDF, 3MB)

A.23 Air Quality Assessment.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

A.24 Lighting Assessment.pdf (PDF, 14.2MB)

A.25 Transport Assessment.pdf (PDF, 22.3MB)

A.26 Framework Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 6.3MB)

A.27 Proposed Site Access Roundabout.pdf (PDF, 523KB)

A.28 Proposed Visibility Improvements.pdf (PDF, 332KB)

A.29 Phase 1 Geo-Environmental Assessment.pdf (PDF, 18.1MB)

A.30 Energy and Sustainability Statement.pdf (PDF, 6.1MB)

A.31 Statement of Community Involvement.pdf (PDF, 8.6MB)

A.32 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment.pdf (PDF, 3.7MB)

A.33 Archaeological Geophysical Survey.pdf (PDF, 9.1MB)

A.34 WSI Trial Trench Excavation.pdf (PDF, 5.3MB)

A.35 Trial Trench Archaeology Issue 3.pdf (PDF, 10.4MB)

A.36 WSI Earthwork Recording and Archaeological Excavation.pdf (PDF, 4.9MB)

A.37 Ecological Appraisal.pdf (PDF, 4.1MB)

A.38 Supplementary Heritage Assessment.pdf (PDF, 2.3MB)

A.39 Biodiversity Impact Assessment.pdf (PDF, 4MB)

A.40 Trial Trench Archaeology - Issue 5.pdf (PDF, 11.1MB)

B. Environmental Statement

B.1 EIA Screening Opinion Request 14.06.18.pdf (PDF, 281KB)

B.2 LPA Screening Opinion 11.08.18.pdf (PDF, 77KB)

B.3 EIA Screening Request to SoS 16.07.19.pdf (PDF, 256KB)

B.4 LPA Screening Opinion 30.07.19.pdf (PDF, 315KB)

B.5 LPA Screening Opinion 30.07.19 Officer Report.pdf (PDF, 176KB)

B.6 Screening Direction SoS 13.08.19.pdf (PDF, 124KB)

B.7 Screening Direction SoS 13.08.19 Accompanying Report.pdf (PDF, 91KB)

B.8 Screening Direction SoS 27.09.19.pdf (PDF, 102KB)

B.9 Screening Direction SoS 27.09.19 Accompanying Report.pdf (PDF, 73KB)

B.10 Environmental Statement and Appendices.pdf (PDF, 40.5MB)

B.11 Environmental Statement Cover Letter.pdf (PDF, 166KB)

B.12 E-mail D Buckley to K Rose dated 21.08.19.pdf (PDF, 84KB)

B.13 E-mail G Robinson to K Rose dated 23.08.19.pdf (PDF, 405KB)

B.14 E-mail G Robinson to K Rose dated 24.09.19.pdf (PDF, 183KB)

B.15 Environmental Statement Addendum with Appendicies.pdf (PDF, 73.3MB)

C. Additional Appeal Documents




C.4 LVIA 12.09.19.pdf (PDF, 7.7MB)

C.5 Botanical Assessment of Grassland - Blackstone Ecology.pdf (PDF, 4.1MB)

C.6 Updated Biodiversity Impact Assessment July 2020.pdf (PDF, 4.5MB)

C.7 Transport Assessment Addendum.pdf (PDF, 9.6MB)

C.8 Site Access Roundabout.pdf (PDF, 696KB)

C.9 Brickhill Street Grid Road Reserve.pdf (PDF, 479KB)

C.10 Tilbrook Roundabout Mitigation.pdf (PDF, 585KB)

C.11 Kelly's Kitchen Roundabout_P2.pdf (PDF, 678KB)

C.12 Kelly's Kitchen Roundabout_P3.pdf (PDF, 517KB)

C.13 Kelly's Kitchen Roundabout Visibility_P3.pdf (PDF, 645KB)

C.14 Kelly's Kitchen Roundabout Swept Paths_P3.pdf (PDF, 655KB)

C.15 Walton Park Rbt Mitigation.pdf (PDF, 235KB)

C.16 Framework Travel Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.7MB)

C.17 Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.1MB)

C.18 Design and Access Statement-Rev I.pdf (PDF, 15MB)

C.19 Updated Parameters Plan.pdf (PDF, 516KB)

C.20 Updated Indicative Masterplan.pdf (PDF, 1.6MB)

C.21 Updated Land Uses Plan.pdf (PDF, 1012KB)

C.22 WSI Earthwork Recording and Archaeological Excavation rev A.pdf (PDF, 5.7MB)

D. Decision Documents

D.1 Decision Notice.pdf (PDF, 77KB)

D.2 Officer Committee Report.pdf (PDF, 13MB)

D.3 Committee Additional Papers.pdf (PDF, 9.8MB)

D.4 Committee Decision Sheet.pdf (PDF, 183KB)

D.6 Revised Recommendations for DCC Committee 06-02-2020.pdf (PDF, 93KB)

D.7 Update.Report 26.02.2020.pdf (PDF, 68KB)

E. The Development Plan

E.1 Plan MK.pdf (PDF, 27.6MB)

E.2 Plan MK Inspectors Comments.pdf (PDF, 379KB)

E.3 INS1 Inspector's Initial Observations and Questions.pdf (PDF, 138KB)

E.4 INS 1A MKC response to Inspector's preliminary letter 03 June 2018.pdf (PDF, 8.3MB)

E.5 INS 1 - 2 - Inspector's Letter Following MKC Response to Initial Queries 070618.pdf (PDF, 65KB)

E.6 INS 2 - Inspector Letter to MKC - HRA Letter 110518.pdf (PDF, 57KB)

E.7 INS 2A - MKC Response to INS2 - Updated HRA.pdf (PDF, 2.2MB)

E.8 INS 3 - Inspector Letter to MKC - Representation Queries (5).pdf (PDF, 72KB)

E.9 INS 3A - MKC response to Inspector's letter of INS3 (3).pdf (PDF, 296KB)

E.10 INS 3B - Inspector's Letter to MKC in response to INS3A (3).pdf (PDF, 61KB)

E.11 INS 4 - Inspector's Advice following Stage 1 Hearings.v1 (7).pdf (PDF, 103KB)

E.12 INS 5 - Inspector's Note on SA (5).pdf (PDF, 76KB)

E.13 INS 6 Inspector's Clarification note 31 August 2018.pdf (PDF, 64KB)

E.14 Examination in Public DLP Response to Inspectors Questions.pdf (PDF, 4.1MB)

E.15 DLP Reps on Reg 19 Plan.pdf (PDF, 2.4MB)

E.16 Comments on Reg 19 Consultation and Draft Plan MK.pdf (PDF, 2.4MB)

F. Evidence Base

F.1 MKTOP001 Employment Land Topic Paper (March 2018).pdf (PDF, 833KB)

F.2 MKEMP001 MK EGELS Phase 1 Report November 2015 Final.pdf (PDF, 5.8MB)

F.3 MKEMP002 MK EGELS Phase 2 Report November 2015 Final.pdf (PDF, 798KB)

F.4 MKEMP003 MK Economic Growth & Employment Land Study June 2017.pdf (PDF, 2.1MB)

F.5 MK LEA Final Report - July 2019 (PDF, 5.1MB)

F.6 MKEMP005 Milton Keynes Economic Development Strategy 2017-2027.pdf (PDF, 13.5MB)

F.7 MKTRA001 MKC Mobility Strategy 2018.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)

F.8 MKTRA002 MKMMM Local Model Validation Report v1.4.pdf (PDF, 9MB)

F.9 MKMIS001 MK50-Futures-Report-1-FINAL-SP.pdf (PDF, 9.1MB)

F.10 MKMIS006 SEMLEP South East Midlands Strategic Economic Plan.pdf (PDF, 23.3MB)

F.11 MKSOCG003 South Caldecotte SOCG between MKC and Hampton Brook.pdf (PDF, 3.3MB)

F.12 MKSUB005 PlanMK Sustainability Appraisal Report.pdf (PDF, 2.4MB)

F.13 MKSUB005A PlanMK Sustainability Appraisal Update Note.pdf (PDF, 761KB)

F.14 MKSUB006 PlanMK Sustainability Appraisal Non Technical Summary.pdf (PDF, 661KB)

F.15 Matter 4 Written Statement - Milton Keynes Council.pdf (PDF, 558KB)

F.16 South East Midlands Local Industrial Strategy, A Partner in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, July 2019.pdf (PDF, 16.7MB)

F.17 MK LEA Final Report - July 2019.pdf (PDF, 5.1MB)

F.18 Plan MK SA Report Addendum - NTS 181030 (2).pdf (PDF, 527KB)

F.19 MKSUB013 PlanMK Initial Sustainability Appraisal Feb 2017.pdf (PDF, 7.3MB)

G. Supplementary Planning Documents

G.1 South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD Feb 2018.pdf (PDF, 13.1MB)

G.2 South Caldecotte Development Framework SPD Mar 2019.pdf (PDF, 4.2MB)

G.3 Delegated Decisions 12.03.19.pdf (PDF, 82KB)

G.4 Comments Received on Feb 18 Framework SPD.pdf (PDF, 932KB)

G.5 Comments Received on Mar 19 Framework SPD.pdf (PDF, 1019KB)

G.6 East of M1 development framework ADOPTED VERSION.pdf (PDF, 19.1MB)

G.7 LPA Reasons for Refusal 1902402FUL Caldecote Farm.pdf (PDF, 91KB)

G.8 Officers Planning Committee Report 1902402FUL Caldecote Farm.pdf (PDF, 825KB)

G.9 Western Expansion Area Framework.pdf (PDF, 210KB)

G.10 APPROVED Pineham Development Brief.pdf (PDF, 2.1MB)

G.11 South Caldecotte Development Framework revised draft 020720.pdf (PDF, 18.7MB)

G.12 Planning Cabinet Advisory Group 13.07.20 - Revised South Caldecotte DF SPD Briefing Note.pdf (PDF, 166KB)

H. National Planning Policy and Guidance

H.1 NPPF 2019.pdf (PDF, 593KB)

H.2 Extract from NPPG.pdf (PDF, 744KB)

H.3 Circular 0605 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation.pdf (PDF, 751KB)

I. Correspondence with LPA

I.1 190219 G Robinson Letter to T Darke.pdf (PDF, 247KB)

I.2 040619 G Robinson E-mail to A Turner.pdf (PDF, 418KB)

I.3 100619 I Jackson E-mail to T Darke P Gosal.pdf (PDF, 945KB)

I.4 181019 C Armstrong E-mail to D Buckley P Caves.pdf (PDF, 198KB)

I.5 221019 G Robinson E-mail to D Buckley.pdf (PDF, 175KB)

I.6 241019 I Jackson Letter to J Palmer.pdf (PDF, 3.3MB)

I.10 161219 I Jackson Letter to J Palmer.pdf (PDF, 2.9MB)

I.11 171219 J Palmer E-mail to I Jackson.pdf (PDF, 167KB)

I.12 150120 I Jackson E-mail to T Darke.pdf (PDF, 437KB)

I.13 050220 G Robinson E-mail to D Buckley.pdf (PDF, 513KB)

I.14 030220 G Robinson Letter to D Buckley re Archaeology.pdf (PDF, 393KB)

I.15 210220 G Robinson Letter to D Buckley re Archaeology.pdf (PDF, 271KB)

I.16 030220 G Robinson Letter to D Buckley re Ecology.pdf (PDF, 4.2MB)

I.17 030220 G Robinson Letter to D Buckley re Transport.pdf (PDF, 221KB)

I.18 131119 M Addison Letter to D Buckley.pdf (PDF, 199KB)

I.19 170420 C Armstrong E-mail to J Povey.pdf (PDF, 1.3MB)

I.20 280420 S Simmonds to M Addison re Public Transport.pdf (PDF, 1000KB)

I.21 21.05.20 D Evans to D Walker.pdf (PDF, 1.1MB)

I.22 090720 M Addison to S Hoque.pdf (PDF, 1.1MB)

I.7 181119 I Jackson Letter to J Palmer.pdf (PDF, 2.5MB)

I.8 211119 D Buckley E-mail to I Jackson.pdf (PDF, 172KB)

I.9 061219 I Jackson Letter to J Palmer.pdf (PDF, 2.7MB)

J. Consultee Comments

J.1 Anglian Water 06.09.19.pdf (PDF, 126KB)

J.2 Anglian Water 26.09.19.pdf (PDF, 55KB)

J.3 Anglian Water 26.11.19 (PDF, 122KB)

J.4 Archaeology 1 30.08.19 (PDF, 100KB)

J.5 Archaeology 2 07.01.20 (PDF, 330KB)

J.6 Archaeology 3 14.02.2020.pdf (PDF, 60KB)

J.7 Archaeology 4 26.02.2020 (PDF, 75KB)

J.8 BBOWT Wildlife Trust 22.08.19 (PDF, 151KB)

J.9 Bow Brickhill PC 1 17.12.19 (PDF, 55KB)

J.10 Bow Brickhill PC 2 06.01.20 (PDF, 111KB)

J.11 British Pipelines Agency 1 19.08.19 (PDF, 120KB)

J.12 British Pipelines agency 2 11.12.19 (PDF, 145KB)

J.13 Central Beds Council 28.11.19 (PDF, 472KB)

J.14 CPDA 11.12.19 (PDF, 124KB)

J.15 Design Officer 17.01.20 (PDF, 92KB)

J.16 Drainage Board 12.08.19 (PDF, 148KB)

J.17 East West Rail 13.01.20 (PDF, 79KB)

J.18 Ecology 1 23.09.19 (PDF, 49KB)

J.19 Ecology 2 10.12.19 (PDF, 113KB)

J.20 Economic Development 06.08.19 (PDF, 103KB)

J.21 Environmental Health 29.07.19 (PDF, 54KB)

J.22 Highways 1 29.08.19 (PDF, 145KB)

J.23 Highways 2 16.01.20 (PDF, 45KB)

J.24 Highways England 1 20.11.19 (PDF, 126KB)

J.25 Highways England 2 29.01.20 (PDF, 133KB)

J.26 Historic England 1 03.09.19 (PDF, 112KB)

J.27 Historic England 2 09.01.20 (PDF, 95KB)

J.28 IDB 27.11.19 (PDF, 303KB)

J.29 Landscape 12.12.19 (PDF, 122KB)

J.30 LLFA 1 14.09.19 (PDF, 431KB)

J.31 LLFA 2 03.12.19 (PDF, 282KB)

J.32 National Rail 26.11.19 (PDF, 93KB)

J.33 Natural England 08.08.19 (PDF, 204KB)

J.34 Natural England 11.12.19 (PDF, 404KB)

J.35 Policy 22.01.20 (PDF, 141KB)

J.36 Transport Policy 18.12.19 (PDF, 134KB)

J.37 Walton Community Council 05.12.19 (PDF, 53KB)

J.38 Woburn Sands Town Council 02.08.19 (PDF, 1.3MB)

J.39 Highways England 24.04.20 (PDF, 123KB)

J.40 Ecology 3 05.02.20 (PDF, 72KB)

J.41 Historic England 3 11.06.20 (PDF, 29KB)

J.42 S Malleson (PDF, 108KB)

J.43 Archaeology 21.01.20 (PDF, 327KB)

K. Appeal Documents

2 Statement of Common Ground 07.04.20 GR IJ (DOCX, 162B)

K.1 Appellant Statement of Case (PDF, 20.3MB)

K.2 SoCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 973KB)

K.2 SoCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 973KB)

K.4 Appeal Cover Letter (PDF, 149KB)

K.5 Draft Highways England SoCG v2 22.05.20 (DOCX, 508KB)

K.6 Archaeology SOCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 81KB)

K.7 Ecology SoCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 141KB)

K.8 Highways SoCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 540KB)

K.9 Economics SoCG Final (signed) (DOCX, 58KB)

K.10 Draft Heads of Terms (PDF, 138KB)

K.11 Note on Why a Public Inquiry is required (PDF, 103KB)

K.12 LPA Statement of Case (PDF, 14.7MB)

K.13 LPA Suggested Conditions in Event of Approval (DOCX, 30KB)

L. Relevant Case Law and Appeal Decisions

To be determined

M. Miscellaneous Documents

M.1 AECOM Technical Note 01 Scoping Review 18-1-18 (PDF, 258KB)

M.2 AECOM Technical Note 02 VISSIM audit 2-11-18 (PDF, 696KB)

M.3 AECOM Technical Note 03 review of TA 2-11-18 (PDF, 2.4MB)

M.4 AECOM Technical Note 04 VISSIM audit 26-4-19 (PDF, 647KB)

M.5 AECOM Technical Note 05 VISSIM audit 1-8-19 (PDF, 427KB)

M.6 AECOM Technical Note 06 review of revised TA 24-1-20 (PDF, 198KB)

M.7 AECOM Technical Note 07 VISSIM audit 24-1-20 (PDF, 1.3MB)

M.8 Planning Performance Agreement (PDF, 346KB)

M.9 AECOM Technical Note 08 revised TA info 20-3-20 (PDF, 164KB)

M.10 AECOM Technical Note 09 VISSIM audit 20-3-20 (PDF, 670KB)

M.11 AECOM Technical Note 10 South Caldecotte Revised Forecast 24-4-20 (PDF, 667KB)

M.12 TN11 South Caldecotte Revised Forecast VISSIM Review_V9 (PDF, 642KB)

M.13 TN12 Kelly's Kitchen Proposed Junction Review (DMRB) v7 (PDF, 252KB)

M.14 Highways England Statement (PDF, 431KB)

M.15 Housing Infrastructure Fund Decision to Accept Grant Funding (PDF, 217KB)

M.16 Prologis-UK-Employment-Paper-Tech-Insight_Final (PDF, 2.9MB)

M.17 HEAG231 Roman Settlements (PDF, 586KB)

M.18 HEAG253 Settlement Sites to 1500 SSG (PDF, 1.4MB)

M.19 Solent-Thames_chap-12_Roman�20Period_Research�20Agenda (PDF, 60KB)

M.20 SM_policy_statement_10-2013__2_ (PDF, 541KB)

M.21 Eaton Leys MoLA geophysical survey report (PDF, 17.9MB)

M.22 Daventry_NE_geo_16-187 (PDF, 11.1MB)

M.23 Investigating_Ancient_Tillage._An_experience (currently unavailable)

M.24 HEAG279 Statements of Heritage Significance (PDF, 376KB)

M.25 BS-42020 (PDF, 1.1MB)

M.26 CIEEM Advice Note On the lifespan of ecological reports and surveys April 2019 (PDF, 921KB)

M.27 TN13 Kelly's Kitchen Revised Junction Review (Without Eaton Leys Scheme) v5 (PDF, 242KB)

M.28 TN14 South Caldecotte Revised Forecast VISSIM Review_v7 (PDF, 340KB)

Appellants Evidence

HB 1.1 Economics Proof (PDF, 1.3MB)

HB 1.2 Economics Summary Proof (PDF, 272KB)

HB 1.3 Economics Appendicies (PDF, 3.8MB)

HB 2.1 Archaeology Proof (PDF, 25.4MB)

HB 3.1 Ecology Summary Proof (PDF, 262KB)

HB 3.2 Ecology Proof (PDF, 478KB)

HB 3.3 Ecology Appendices (PDF, 16MB)

HB 4.1 Highways Proof (PDF, 893KB)

HB 4.2 Highways Summary Proof (PDF, 185KB)

HB 4.3 Highway Appendices (PDF, 13.2MB)

HB 5.1 Planning Proof (PDF, 1.1MB)

HB 5.2 Planning Summary Proof (PDF, 802KB)

LPA Evidence

MK 5.1 David Buckley Proof of Evidence 28 07 20 Planning (PDF, 210KB)

MK 5.2 D Buckley Summary Proof Planning (PDF, 82KB)

MK 2.1 N Crank Proof of Evidence 28 07 20 Historic (PDF, 258KB)

MK 2.2 N Crank Summary Proof Archaeology (PDF, 89KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 2 (PDF, 258KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 3 (PDF, 435KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 4. p. 1-4 (PDF, 926KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 4. p. 5-23 (PDF, 3.5MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 4. p. 24-31 (PDF, 1.3MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 5 (PDF, 2.9MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 7 (PDF, 5.3MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 8. 1 (PDF, 9.3MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 8. 2 (PDF, 8.4MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 9 (PDF, 7.5MB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 10 (PDF, 114KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 13 (PDF, 241KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 14 (PDF, 342KB)

MK 2.3 Appendix 16 (PDF, 246KB)

MK 2.3 LPA Proof of Evidence (Historic Environment- Archaeology) APPENDICES 27-07-2020 (PDF, 5.4MB)

MK 2.4 N Crank Rebuttal Proof Archaeology (PDF, 158KB)

MK 1.1 Michael Moore Proof of Evidence 28 07 20 Economic (PDF, 262KB)

MK 1.2 M Moore Summary Proof Economic (PDF, 102KB)

MK 1.4 M Moore Rebuttal Proof Economics (PDF, 151KB)

MK 3.1 P Snell  Proof of Evidence 28 07 20 Ecology (PDF, 245KB)

MK 3.2 P Snell Summary Proof Ecology (PDF, 70KB)

MK 3.3 201009space-for-nature (PDF, 1.2MB)

MK 3.3 Biodiversity-Net-Gain-Principles (PDF, 171KB)

MK 3.3 JNCC-NVC-UsersHandbook-2006 (PDF, 1.5MB)

MK 3.3 State-of-Nature-2019-UK-full-report (PDF, 12.5MB)

MK 3.3 state-of-nature-uk-report-2016 (PDF, 12.5MB)

MK 3.3 The Wildlife Corridors of Milton Keynes (PDF, 4.9MB)

MK 3.3 TIN147 (PDF, 600KB)

MK 3.3 UKBAP-PriorityHabitatDescriptions-Rev-2011 (PDF, 1.6MB)

MK 4.1 Nigel Weeks Proof of Evidence 28 07 20 (PDF, 196KB)

Additional Documents

201828 Inquiry Document list (DOCX, 20KB)

ID1: 201828 Inquiry Document list (PDF, 200KB)

ID2: Opening submissions for the Council (PDF, 599KB)

ID3: Amended Land Use Areas plan (16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1008-P10) (PDF, 1.2MB)

ID4: Written Scheme of Conservation (CgMs March 2019) (draft) (PDF, 21.2MB)

ID5: Emails relating to the draft Written Scheme of Conservation (PDF, 1.1MB)

ID6: Draft S106 Agreement (DOCX, 98KB)

ID7: Plans referred to in the draft S106 Agreement (PDF, 673KB)

ID7: Plans referred to in the draft S106 Agreement (Second Plan) (PDF, 1.2MB)

ID8: The Council’s CIL Compliance Document (DOCX, 40KB)

ID9: Preserving Archaeological Remains (Historic England 2016) (PDF, 2MB)

ID10: Email from David Wilkinson (Historic England) dated 1 September 2020 (PDF, 957KB)

ID11: Cycle routing spreadsheet referred to by Mr Addison in Transport round table session (PDF, 241KB)

ID12: Plan:MK Adopted Policies Map Sheet 4 (PDF, 12MB)

ID13: Plan:MK Adopted Policies Map Sheet 4 – extract showing SD14 (PDF, 124KB)

ID14: Email from Graham Robinson (DLP Planning) relating to description of development dated 17 August 2020 (PDF, 942KB)

ID15: Amended draft S106 Agreement (archaeological protection added) (DOCX, 178KB)

ID16: Amended schedule of suggested conditions (DOCX, 80KB)

ID17: Amended Land Use Plan 16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1008-P13 (PDF, 886KB)

ID18: Amended Indicative Masterplan 16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1006-P13 (PDF, 1.1MB)

ID19: Amended Parameters Plan 16-048-01-SGP-XX-00-DR-A-1004-P13 (PDF, 516KB)

ID20: Technical Briefing Note TN06 ‘Updated Biodiversity Impact Assessment  (PDF, 4.1MB)

ID21: Written scheme of Investigation for Archaeological excavation, monitoring and recording and earthwork survey (PDF, 3.8MB)

ID22: s106 engrossment (PDF, 281KB)

ID23: 040920 Inquiry Document list (PDF, 49KB)

ID24: Letter from DLP Planning of 7 September 2020 (PDF, 172KB)

ID25: Schedule of suggested conditions (revised following discussions at the Inquiry) (PDF, 172KB)

ID26 EB03199-A-RevE1 (Caldecotte) (PDF, 223KB)

ID27 EB03199-A-RevE2 (Caldecotte) (PDF, 225KB)

ID28: Closing submissions for the council (PDF, 772KB)

ID29: Closing submissions for the applicant (PDF, 259KB)

ID30: Notes from Sue Malleson (DOCX, 22KB)

ID31: Scheme of delegation (PDF, 102KB)