Parents, family and community

Family support groups

  • Parenting UK - a national membership body for organisations and individuals who work with parents providing advice and support to professionals working with parents

  • Netmums is the UK's biggest parenting website offering local information, expert parenting advice, chat, competitions, recipes and friendly support 

  • Parentingand familysupport is available from Family Lives (formerly Parentline Plus) through the website, online chat, helpline 0808 800 2222 and parenting classes 

  • Barnardo’s Family parenting services provide both general support and specific parenting education programmes which enable parents to deal more effectively with a range of issues 

  • Children and Family Centres - provide support and advice to parents and families with under five year olds, as well as for expectant parents

  • The Place2Be works inside schools to support and nurture children and provide one-to-one and group counselling sessions, plus a drop-in service open to all school pupils.

Adult education

Useful resources

Maintaining the home language and bilingualism 

Dual language books are very important to the learning of your child. They can help you and your children to explore their identity and heritage, help to keep the home language alive, support the children’s’ learning of English, introduce children to lots of new languages and scripts and help generate important vocabulary and talk about home language and English. Dual language books can be even more effective when used with audio tapes, CDs and audio files at home. Bilingual children also tend to be more successful academically and economically, so celebrate bilingualism.  

Dual language books are available to borrow from your child's school library, Milton Keynes Central Library and local libraries. 

Dual language books can be purchased directly from publishers such as Mantra Lingua and Milet

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Ethnic Minority Achievement team

Ethnic minority achievement team contact information