Home education (schools) Information for schools about parental rights to home education School exclusions Find links to local and statutory guidance on exclusions from school Children missing education Information for schools about children missing education Part-time school timetables Guidance for all schools Local management of schools (LMS) Information about financing schools, retention guidelines for schools, asset management policy and declarations of pecuniary interest. Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) SACRE advises the Local Authority on aspects of Religious Education and Collective Worship - including the syllabus, teaching methods and training. School data collections Information to assist schools in completing and submitting statutory returns.
Local management of schools (LMS) Information about financing schools, retention guidelines for schools, asset management policy and declarations of pecuniary interest.
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) SACRE advises the Local Authority on aspects of Religious Education and Collective Worship - including the syllabus, teaching methods and training.
School data collections Information to assist schools in completing and submitting statutory returns.