The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) is made up of four committees or representatives, each with a single vote to use when voting is necessary. The four committees are:
- representatives of Christian denominations other than the Church of England and of other religions
- representatives of the Church of England and of other religions
- representatives of teachers' professional organisations
- Milton Keynes Councillors
The local authority assigns members to each of these four groups - normally asking for nominations from the religions, Christian community and teacher associations that are represented on the SACRE.
View the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) Constitution.
Visit the Milton Keynes documents website for details of meeting agendas and minutes.
SACRE's duties
Although part of the basic curriculum, religious education is not part of the National Curriculum. Each local authority is required to provide an agreed syllabus for religious education for use in its schools.
The main duty of a SACRE is to advise the local education authority on:
- matters of collective worship in community schools
- the religious education given in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus for the subject
Religious education in local communities
SACRE must consider applications from head teachers who request that their school be released from the legal requirement for collective worship to be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. Such a dispensation is known as a determination. Academies and Free Schools apply to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) if they require a determination.
Church schools do not come within the remit of the SACRE in relation to collective worship and may not apply for a determination.
SACRE can:
- require the local authority to organise a review of its agreed syllabus for RE
- give advice on methods of teaching agreed syllabus RE including the choice of teaching materials
- advise the local authority on the provision of training for its teachers in relation to RE and collective worship
- monitor RE, collective worship and the provision made by schools for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).
SACRE should consider any complaints about RE and collective worship referred to it by the local authority.
Milton Keynes SACRE publications and activities
- the MK agreed syllabus for RE
- annual report of its activities
- supports termly meetings for teachers of RE in primary schools
- occasional training days for teachers of RE in primary schools
- encourages the development of material to support the implementation of the RE syllabus
- provides resources to support RE in schools
- ensures schools have information about RE training opportunities offered by other providers
- provides information for governors about the work of the SACRE and their own responsibilities for RE in their schools
- provides guidance on, and ideas for collective worship through courses
How to join the SACRE
If you are interested in joining SACRE, please contact the SACRE clerk.