Fly tipping and illegal dumping of waste

Householders have a duty to ensure that their household waste is only given to an authorised waste carrier to dispose of or taken to a licensed waste site. They must take all steps reasonable to ensure their waste isn't illegally dumped:

  • check the tradesperson is a registered waste carrier with a valid licence. Ask to see their Waste Carrier Licence which they should have with them or check online by searching the Environment Agency's Public Register.
  • ask where they will take your waste? If in doubt, don’t use them
  • get a receipt with the carrier’s name and address
  • take down their registration number
  • how much are they charging? If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is

Householders can be fined up if they pass their waste to an unlicensed waste carrier which is subsequently fly-tipped.

What is MK City Council doing to reduce fly tipping?

People who dump rubbish can be fined or jailed. Not only is unsightly, but it's a threat to our local wildlife too. In recent years, we've successfully prosecuted more than 30 people for fly tipping, resulting in fines of more than £25,000. Offenders can face prison sentences of up to 5 years or fines up to £50,000 for crimes like these.

Our Fly Tipping Action Plan clearly sets out what we will to do in the months and years ahead to support and work with residents, businesses, partners, and communities to tackle fly-tipping.  We know where the hot spots in MK are, and we use CCTV to tackle environmental crime. Council vehicles are fitted with dash cams which means we can catch people littering out of their cars and other anti-social behaviour.

We also issue fly tipping information leaflets to properties near to fly tipping hot spots.

What can I do to help?

If you see any dumped rubbish let us know as soon as possible. If you witness fly tipping record the location, date, time and the vehicle registration number if possible, Call our Customer Services on 01908 252570 or complete this online report.

Environmental Crime Unit

Environmental Crime Unit contact information