The Healthy Young People's Network (HYPN) work with children and young people in Milton Keynes and provide health and wellbeing advice.
Want to keep up to date with events we run? Sign up by emailing us.
HYPN virtual and face to face events
Event themes are developed using health profiling reports, data, government lead and local initiatives and evaluations from the previous sessions.
The sessions are delivered in a variety of ways including presentations, practical parts of the session for discussion, developing local tool kits and blue prints to take away along with sharing good practice.
HYPN Face to Face Session Presentations
June 2023 Presentation slides from the event along with the evaluation impact and suggestions for future events that will influence HYPN Steering Group’s planning.
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
March 2023 Presentation slides from the event along with the menti comments about the session, which will support our HYPN steering group to plan future events and information sharing.
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The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.
Healthy Movers in Early Years
Spring 2023 to spring 2025
Physical activity is fundamental in the early years of a child’s life. It helps children to acquire a range of new skills such as language and numeracy, develop their brains and establish the building blocks for an active and healthy life.
Youth Sport Trust will be delivering ‘Healthy Movers’ in Early Years settings between Spring 2023 and Spring 2025. This has been funded by Public Health, Milton Keynes City Council.
Healthy Movers aims to develop Physical Literacy in children aged 2-5 and improve their school readiness and social mobility through a range of physical play and activities.
The programme consists of a day one training course, designed to help practitioners deliver fun and meaningful physical activities in their settings. This is accompanied by a comprehensive toolkit, which complements the EYFS, including a handbook, resource cards, stickers and music. The play-based activities support the development of the fundamental movement skills of locomotion, stability and object control, as well as connecting healthy habits such as healthy eating and oral health.
More information can be found on the Healthy Movers website.
Previous sessions
Please see learning resources from Mental Health HEE NHS below. Health Education England (HEE) is part of the NHS, and they work with partners to plan, recruit, educate and train the health workforce.
We work with colleagues at Healthy Teen Minds and have the following mental health crisis learning resources.
These resources have been designed by young people, working with professionals too, allowing you to hear directly from them about what helps in a moment of crisis. The tools complement existing training and education. They aim to build an individual’s confidence to have effective conversations and provide personalised support to a young person in a mental crisis.
The short Crisis Tools learning guides we have supported are:
We need to ensure this learning resource gets to the front line, especially to those who work in health and care, educational and emergency response settings. Please share these online tools far and wide with your networks. We have provided suggested copy for your communication channels and the intended audiences we are hoping to reach. We will be actively promoting on social media channels too, so please do support us with this by sharing if you can. Share the communications toolkit.
Finally, but most importantly, we would like to extend a special thanks to the young advisors who have co-produced and co-led on the curation and development of these resources. They have all selflessly shared their lived experience of mental health crisis, so we can better understand what support young people want and need to hear in a mental health crisis.
Nov 2021 - Impact of Covid 19 and Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing in Milton Keynes
See the agenda and documents:
0-19 Teams website and ChatHealth details:
Wellbeing for Education Recovery Project
June 2021 - Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and Support Session
See agenda and documents:
HYPN evaluation 2019
Presentations from this event:
Invitations to these events will be sent out via the HYPN distribution on a regular basis.